Discord | YouTube | Twitter | Updates: Site: Jun 8, 2021 | Dictionary: Aug 27, 2019
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August 27, 2019
- Added synonom for "distant" to "far"
- Added word for ancient (ri'tarmo)
- Added word for arrive (yasi)
- Added word for bear (deba)
- Added word for blacksmith (drelkiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for chase (s'virash) from canon source https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Twilight_Rites_and_Hymns
- Added word for fletcher (sahimiit)
- Added word for history (madipurna)
- Added word for I'm (ziba)
- Added word for jewelry (shushije)
- Changed word for "away" from "tanja" to "sahaala" based on canon source https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Twilight_Rites_and_Hymns
- Fixed Ta'agra Calligraphy file (previous update left out numbers accidentally)
- Updated Grammer section which had an incorrect word as an example
- We closed the Patreon since we weren't getting much activity
May 22, 2019
- Added synonym for "glad" to "happy"
- Added synonyms for "rapid, quick, speedy, swift" to "fast"
- Added synonyms for "shore, coast" to "beach"
- Added word for alone (fano) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for chamberpot (pajuwo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for comb/brush (sejika) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for justice (utrokuvona) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for neither (vaymoh)
- Added word for plight (iyamusha) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for runt (jaibi)
- Added word for scream (yabi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for share (daresh)
- Added word for skooma (skuma)
- Added word for to lead (t'harith) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for to mate (zuusha) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for whether (ikeke)
- Changed word for "Anaquina" from "ne'quin-al" to "ne quin-al" to match ESO lore
- Changed word for "wind" from "zara" to "zhan" to match ESO lore
- Corrected misplaced columns for "massacre"
- Corrected typo: "thjiziit" was incorrectly spelled "thijziit"
- Corrected typo: "zreha" (boats) was incorrectly spelled "zerha"
April 27, 2019
- Added a new page for Numbers
- Removed old reference to numbers from the Alphabet page
- Updated the Legal page with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
October 21, 2018
- Updated grammar page to correctly explain rules for adding the adjective +i suffix
- Added synonym for "littermate" to "sibling"
- Added synonym for "wax" and "increase" to "grow"
- Added word for anequina (ne'quin-al) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for belly/stomach (mudu) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for bowl (epe)
- Added word for catapult (kethbazito)
- Added word for chosen (qidri)
- Added word for committed romantic partner (mahazi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for temporary romantic partner (walami) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for common (tabi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for conquerer (trajijazeriit)
- Added word for empire (ri'renad)
- Added word for guilty (mori) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for harem (vuzmipatan)
- Added word for heretic/heathen (suthiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for injure (jur) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for innocent (bani) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for massacre (iyavardar) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for meaning (dama) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for ocean (nirnimarr)
- Added word for palace (tarjipaj)
- Added word for pellitine (pa'alatiin) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for pirate (marrenrij) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for prophet (nabiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for ram (bagokeja)
- Added word for rare (natari) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for royal (arani)
- Added word for sailor (fesiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for shrink (kamash) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for sleeve (kraqami)
- Added word for suicide (varlafa)
- Added word for warpair (raqona) [A khajiit mount/rider team]
- Added word for wrap/cover (lofo) and numerous synonyms
- Changed word for Bosmer from "dreamer" to "drenamer"
- Changed word for tight from "tatay'im" to "tatay"
- Changed word for wood from "drea" to "drena"
- Changed word for fox from "jua" to "juma"
- Changed word for sea from "maor" to "marr"
- Changed numerous adjectives to reflect change in suffix rule. This will help Ta'agra be less syllable heavy.
- Changed word for artistic from "kalaa'i" to "kali"
- Changed word for blissful from "anada'i" to "anadi"
- Changed word for broken from "keja'i" to "keji"
- Changed word for catlike/feline from "qara'i" to "qari"
- Changed word for cheesy from "pihalko'i" to "pihalki"
- Changed word for colorful from "kejra'i" to "kejri"
- Changed word for dirty from "fiba'i" to "fibi"
- Changed word for diseased from "skromu'i" to "skromi"
- Changed word for dusty from "jiksho'i" to "jikshi"
- Changed word for fishy from "marha'i" to "marhi"
- Changed word for forested from "vana'i" to "vani"
- Changed word for golden from "zivsho'i" to "zivshi"
- Changed word for grandfather from "ra'ahnurr" to "dro'ahnurr"
- Changed word for grandmother from "ro'fado" to "dra'fado"
- Changed word for grandparent from "ra'barun" to "sa'barun"
- Changed word for hungry from "droba'i" to "drobi"
- Changed word for lost from "vitu'i" to "viti"
- Changed word for lucky from "sharra'i" to "sharri"
- Changed word for meaty from "jeke'i" to "jeki"
- Changed word for metallic from "drelka'i" to "drelki"
- Changed word for milky from "jimetu'i" to "jimeti"
- Changed word for oily from "dojne'i" to "dojni"
- Changed word for playful from "ketra'i" to "ketri"
- Changed word for religious from "sina'i" to "sini"
- Changed word for rhythmic from "taanga'i" to "taangi"
- Changed word for rotten from "halku'i" to "halki"
- Changed word for sleepy from "zaigu'i" to "zaigi"
- Changed word for soapy from "epusho'i" to "epushi"
- Changed word for spiritual from "athra'i" to "athri"
- Changed word for starry from "silla'i" to "silli"
- Changed word for stony from "kethba'i" to "kethbi"
- Changed word for submizzive from "mezai'i" to "mezi"
- Changed word for tasty from "zashto'i" to "zashti"
- Changed word for watery from "da'khe'i" to "da'khi"
- Changed word for windy from "zara'i" to "zari"
- Changed word for wintery from "zima'i" to "zimi"
June 12, 2018
- Adjusted site layout. Deconstruction and Phonemic Inventory can now be found on the Grammar page.
- Added the Ta'agra Calligraphy font and instructions for setup to the new Script & Font page.
June 11, 2018
- Added our newest video.
- Adjusted the site header bar. The header now includes social media links and the dates of the last updates.
June 3, 2018
- Added missing "ss" character image to the Alphabet page.
- Removed the old numerals from the Alphabet page. They have been redesigned and we will put the new ones up soon.
May 22, 2018
- Updated Script Sample page with an improved sample of Ta'agra script.
May 22, 2018
- Updated Alphabet page with video, character names, and new sound samples.
May 22, 2018
- Added Alphabet Video by Ko'Ahib
- Edited one of our common phrases: "Moons will light your path." has been changed to "Kha'jay siirithse jer draqo." In a recent update, we added a new word and divided the abstract concept of path/way/course into a new word "draqo". The former word, "wodro", now refers to a concrete, literal road/trail/avenue.
April 17, 2018
- Added synonym for "such" to "very"
- Added word for bold (peshar)
- Added word for plan (naqo)
- Added word for shy (nimad)
- Added word for something (egasatil)
- Added word for suspect (zitra)
- Added word for wonder (dosith) [ponder]
- Added word for wonder (yotali) [amaze/astonish]
- Added word for worth (yasta) [non-financial worth]
April 16, 2018
- Updated Grammar section with new rules on adding suffixes. Words that end with vowels (or vowel sounds) will almost always drop those trailing vowels when appending suffixes that begin with vowels. The overall result of this is words with fewer syllables, which was the goal. Also added a section on pronunciation.
- Added additional synonyms for "like" (similar, not enjoy)
- Added additional synonyms to "burn"
- Added additional synonyms to "cause"
- Added numerous extra verb forms to dictionary synonyms to improve translator effectiveness (e.g. "do" includes "does" and "doing" as synonyms)
- Added numerous common contractions to the dictionary (there’s, it’s, she’s, he’s, that’s, you’re, they’re, we’re)
- Added synonym for "boss" to "leader"
- Added synonym for "flesh" to "meat"
- Added synonym for "hold" to "fort"
- Added synonym for "kin" to "family"
- Added synonym for "numerous" to "many"
- Added synonym for "quite" to "very"
- Added synonym for "right" to "true"
- Added synonym for "romance" to "love"
- Added word for annoy (taza) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for achieve (ra'kaba) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for admiral (adima)
- Added word for appear (vakovo)
- Added word for attempt/try (wala) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for aunt (tenfo)
- Added word for axe (balto)
- Added word for badly (may'i) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for boredom (mala) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for boyfriend/girlfriend (aritrevan)
- Added word for bring (dura)
- Added word for buyer/customer (dojthiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for cactus (sabaar)
- Added word for captain (kapat)
- Added word for choke (droqo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for cloth (qami) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for cloud (bulut) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for colonel (kerna)
- Added word for convince (iqna)
- Added word for corporal (korpo)
- Added word for course (draqo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for cousin (kimer)
- Added word for cuirass (shutedri)
- Added word for difficult (saba) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for earn (kaba) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for end/finish (hano) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for enjoy/like (kefa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for entirely (tsin'ri) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for even (hata) [emphasis]
- Added word for even (utro) and numerous synonyms [level/balanced/equal]
- Added word for evening (salatenurr) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for expect (ikeno) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for explain (vuro) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for fat (gamin) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for favor (gzono)
- Added word for fine/okay/adequate (shesko) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for fog (badab) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for follower/supporter (mavosiit)
- Added word for general (rak't'har)
- Added word for glove (tenoqami)
- Added word for grandchild (mama)
- Added word for granddaughter (ma'tal)
- Added word for grandfather (ra'ahnurr)
- Added word for grandmother (ro'fado)
- Added word for grandparent (ra'barun)
- Added word for grandson (ma'jor)
- Added word for hatchet (ja'balto)
- Added word for humor (fapa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for hurricane (ra'torfo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for interrupt (qato) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for invest (shabaja) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for just/simply/only (deje)
- Added word for leave (gada)
- Added word for lieutenant (lutet)
- Added word for lightning (gasiiq)
- Added word for loyal (sadi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for lyre (qithar)
- Added word for major (majo)
- Added word for meal (wajo)
- Added word for motivate (dahai) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for nephew (redu)
- Added word for nest (esh) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for niece (lisho)
- Added word for nobody (dovahz)
- Added word for offer (idra) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for organ (balej) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for peel (qashar) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for point/barb (visu) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for predator (taro)
- Added word for prey (sifa)
- Added word for probably (mutemi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for problem/trouble (musha) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for relationship (korahz)
- Added word for remind (anpur) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for risk (khat) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for sergeant (sargat)
- Added word for simple (baso) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for skinny (nafi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for sometimes (egakona) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for speaker (puriit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for start/beginning (bida) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for stir (dajo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for storm (torfo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for Strangler (droqoshan) [The Tamrielic plant]
- Added word for succeed/win (yajo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for thunder (goorra)
- Added word for torch (akenibi)
- Added word for treat (dazal) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for tree (ra'shan)
- Added word for tune (pasho) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for uncle (nakom)
- Added word for warehouse (jhakapaj) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for waste (lafa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for worker/employee (zrishiit)
- Changed word for "aboard" from "isozreho" to "izreho"
- Changed word for bush from "ja'shanjijri" to "ja'shan"
- Changed word for flower from "kalshanji" to "kalshan"
- Changed word for fortress from "kroshoda" to "krosho"
- Changed word for plant from "shanjijri" to "shan"
- Changed word for root from "vasashanjijri" to "vasashan"
- Moved "path/way" synonyms from the word for "road" to the word for "course"
- Removed "annoy" and similar synonyms from "anger"
March 31, 2018
- Updated Grammar page to include contractions and suffixes
- Added "comes" to "come" as synonym
- Added synonym for "capture" to arrest
- Added synonyms for "indeed, verily, undoubtedly, truly" to certainly
- Added synonyms for "present, current" to now
- Added synonyms for "score, tally" to count
- Added word for ago (dre'i)
- Added word for allow/permit (alsa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for already (sabi)
- Added word for anyone (ashahz)
- Added word for artifact (alado) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for fail (basar) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for feud (tuzdo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for future (musta) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for hammer (takji) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for journey (khisro) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for murderer (vardariit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for must (yuj) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for past (madi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for predecessor (sunokhiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for prophesize (nabu) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for solve (ratha) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for someone (egahz)
- Added word for thread (tem) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for too [excessively] (bisha) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for trust (dayth) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for urine (kriss) and numerous synonyms
July 9, 2017
- Added past tense for free
- Added synonym for "maw" to mouth
- Added synonym for "mirthful" to happy
- Added synonym for "release" to free
- Added synonyms for "shout/yell" to call
- Added synonyms for "springing" and "hopping" to jump
- Added word for "accept" (telai)
- Added word for "ash" (saf)
- Added word for "breast" (lasho) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "caravan" (za'yar)
- Added word for "company/business/guild" (sarik)
- Added word for "different" (tejo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "discover" (adrak)
- Added word for "dream" (aydo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "either" (vayma)
- Added word for "enemy" (akriit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "envy" (yara) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "evil" (draj)
- Added word for "festival" (bay'arri) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "flaw" (truqo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "flute" (mizam)
- Added word for "hawk/falcon/eagle" (korotho)
- Added word for "hollow/empty" (juna) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "insect" (ma'jot)
- Added word for "iron" (hara)
- Added word for "lute" (awad)
- Added word for "other" (vago)
- Added word for "phallus" (tano) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "promise" (wado) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "question" (gano) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "react" (miira) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "realize" (korud)
- Added word for "rider" (kamiit)
- Added word for "siege" (zrashadat)
- Added word for "sin" (moraz) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "sleek" (kasi)
- Added word for "spear" (sutakhrass) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "stay/remain" (maal)
- Added word for "steel" (ra'hara)
- Added word for "wander" (zarathosh) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "weird" (o'zin) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "whisker" (zitho)
- Added word for "wing" (bazaro)
- Changed word for "person" from "ahzi" to "ahz"
- Changed word for "persons/individuals" from "iss" to "ahza"
February 15, 2017
- Added synonym for "drag" to "pull" (zan)
- Added synonym for "precious" to "expensive" (zabish)
- Added synonym for "project" to "job" (zrishna)
- Added synonyms for "joy" and "cheer" to "happy" (kara)
- Added translations for Imperial to Khajiiti pantheon names
- Added word for "again" (pofa)
- Added word for "alliance" (samadi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "alphabet" (abuka)
- Added word for "balance" (tawa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "bliss" (anada) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "candle" (voleq)
- Added word for "canyon" (kebarr) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "cards" (aferra)
- Added word for "carpet" (sohanid) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "cave" (basik) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "etiquette" (esashi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "focus" (q'dai)
- Added word for "fun" (pa)
- Added word for "gesture" (mudra) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "hate" (yath) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "incense" (gatay)
- Added word for "letter(alphabet)" (mirese)
- Added word for "moment" (wakai)
- Added word for "now" (dal)
- Added word for "outsider" (oviit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "own" (wata)
- Added word for "pride" (skai) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "remove" (prata) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "shame" (gaj) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "towel" (dohi)
- Added word for "tradition" (jhavanzi)
- Added word for "way" (jhav) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "whisper" (jhapo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "wild" (rhoj) and numerous synonyms
- Changed word for "cut" from "jetwi" to "jeta" and added numerous synonyms
- Corrected spelling for "mountain" from "kehdun" to "khedun"
- Removed "wild" synonym from "naraji"
December 13, 2016
- Reworked our interpretation of an original source line. Originally S'rathra's line of "Bali jihatt aratataami" was interpreted as "Y'all mercenary are-the-same". Not only did this not fit with our pluralization rules, but it also left us with an ambiguous word for "to-be-the-same" which we've always struggled to deal with. We have reinterpreted this line as "Bali jihatta ra tataami". This yields a much cleaner "Y'all mercenaries are [the] same". While this may not be an exact fit for the cadence of S'rathra's line, it does fit in nicely with our current grammar system and solves a long-standing problem in the interpretation of this line. "ra" in this line is interpreted as a truncated form of the word "vara" for "are". We have noticed in the course of the project that many words were starting to become long and cumbersome, and that doesn't seem to fit with how a casual and free-spirited race like the khajiit would speak. In coming updates we will be implementing systems for the shortening of words to make the language flow better and be more in line with how we interpret khajiiti attitudes to be.
- Added explanation of truncating simple verbs for brevity.
- Added explanation of inflection for interrogative sentences in the Grammar section.
- Changed grammar rule for adding +iit suffix. If a word ends in a vowel, that vowel is now dropped before adding the suffix.
- Changed grammar rule for adding +ith suffix. If a word ends in a vowel, that vowel is now dropped before adding the suffix.
- Changed grammar rule for adding +oh/+ohka/+ohse suffixes. If a word ends in a vowel, that vowel is now dropped before adding the suffix.
- Added explanation of active and passive voice to the Grammar section.
- Changed word for "love" to "ari" from "isha"
- Changed word for "oil" to "dojne" from "dojnea"
- Word changes from grammar rule adjustments: sa'iit becomes asiit (irregular) kalaa'iit becomes kaliit. jeke'iit becomes jekiit. laa'iit becomes aliit (irregular). rai'iit becomes ariit (irregular). etejiit becomes etiit. trovise'iit becomes trovisiit. sina'iit becomes siniit. ro'sina'iit becomes ro'siniit. dela'iit becomes deliit. mezai'iit becomes meziit. korna'iit becomes korniit. ro'iit becomes oriit (irregular).
- Word changes from grammar rule adjustments (changes apply also to past and future tense): alku'ith becomes alkith. kego'ith becomes kegith. yena'ith becomes yenith. zrasha'ith becomes zrashith. ikasho'ith becomes ikashith. katha'ith becomes kathith. sallidadith becomes sallidithka (irregular). rejizeva'ithoh becomes rejizevithoh. raszai'ith becomes raszith. rejizeva'ith becomes rejizevith. jimetu'ith becomes jimetith. dojne'ith becomes dojnith. da'khe'ith becomes da'kith.
June 16, 2016
- Some time ago, ZOS was kind enough to send us a thorough list of their Ta'agra terms. It took some time to go through and incorporate this list into the project, and we had to make some changes to some of our content, but we've finally finished this update and we've incorporated the vast majority of what they sent us!
- Added word for "[to] name" (hasaa) from canon words document, and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "certain" (zav [formerly motion]) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "glory" (hadal-ziir) from canon words document, and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "heart (metaphorical)" (khunu'tu) from canon words document
- Added word for "hurry" (fifeh'rai) from canon words document, and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "life" (vijah) from canon words document. Note: As "vijah" has been identified as the proper, literal word for "life", we have had to reinterpret the common usage of "var" for life. We still interpret "var" to mean sugar, and given it's tremendous importance to the khajiit, they commonly use this term in a slang form to refer to life, though it is not the proper term
- Added word for "light" (luz) from canon words document. Note: A canon word for light, "siir", already existed. "Siir" still means light, but has been reinterpreted to mean "heavenly light" such as the light from the moons vs. "luz" which is mundane light, such as from a torch
- Added word for "Lorkhaj/Ghost Moon" (zhubhal'jay) from canon words document
- Added word for "merchant" (bajiit) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "mercy" (dalaa)
- Added word for "milk-drinker" (jimetiit)
- Added word for "never" (dov'kono)
- Added word for "praise" (beba) from canon words document, and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "radiant/luminous" (sala). See notes on change of "bright" to "jobal"
- Added word for "sneak" (zalvi [formerly dance]) and numerous synonyms
- Changed word for "all" to "tsin'ra" from "raj" per canon words document
- Changed word for "always" to "raj'kono" to "raj'kona"
- Changed word for "bright" to "jobal" from "sala" per canon words document. Note: ZOS's Ta'agra dictionary provided to us lists "jobal" as the word for "bright". However, many khajiit roleplayers are using "sala kha'jay" as the greeting for bright moons. We have simply changed the meaning of "sala" to "radiant/luminous" so it will still work in this context, and so "jobal kha'jay" and "sala kha'jay" will still both work nicely for a khajiiti greeting
- Changed word for "claws" to "khrassa" from "daytha" per canon words document
- Changed word for "dance" to "zha'ja" from "zalvi" per canon words document
- Changed word for "every" to "raj" from "skra"; note: "skra'il" still means "everything"
- Changed word for "feet" (body part) to "dhassa" from "tuzda'a" per canon words document
- Changed word for "foot" (body part) to "dhass" from "tuzda"
- Changed word for "game" to "zhab" from "zahb" per canon words document
- Changed word for "in" to "shabar" from "in" per canon words document
- Changed word for "inside" to "shaseve" from "inseve"
- Changed word for "motion" to "hai" from "zav" per canon words document (and alternate forms like move, motionless, etc.)
- Changed word for "prayer" to "jhaza'dro" from "sa'alaina" per canon words document
- Changed word for "sweeten" to "koomurr" from "varith" per canon words document
- Corrected entry for fox/foxes/foxy where English and Ta'agra were in the wrong columns
- Corrected switched column headings in Phrases page
- Replaced link to S'rathra/Cyrus conversation in Source Docs, the old video had been removed
- Special: Asterisks * are being added to the dictionary for some homonyms. Such as "foot" (the measurement) vs. "foot" (the body part). The word we feel will be less commonly used will receive an asterisk. This will result in the automatic translator picking the word without the asterisk by default, which we feel will be the word people most commonly are actually looking for. In this example, you can still force the translator to return the less common "foot (measurement)" translation by typing "foot*" onto the English side of the translator
- Updated Phenomic Inventory: Corrected symbol for aveolar approximate ɹ , added aveolar trill r , added voiceless velar affricate k͡x
- Updated Phrases and Source Documents pages with corrections from changes made in this update
- Updated Grammar page to include name honorifics
March 13, 2016
- Over the past few months we have been working on major revisions and updates to the Ta'agra script. The first round of these revisions is now complete and has been posted on the Alphabet page. We hope you enjoy what we've done with the script! Further script-related updates will be coming in the near future as well. This first round of updates is for standard letters. Updates to punctuation, numerals, and the script sample will be coming soon.
- Updated a broken link on the Source Documents page. The original YouTube video for the S'rathra/Cyrus conversation got taken down and a new one was located.
February 15, 2016
- The Phrases page is now complete.
- The Ta'agra Project now has an official Twitter account.
- Moved old announcements on home page behind a collapsable text link to reduce clutter.
February 13, 2016
- The phrases page is still under construction, but we hope to have it updated soon.
- Added a total of 303 new translatable words (translations and synonyms) to the dictionary. Major root word additions are noted below.
- Added word for "anger" (kujo)
- Added word for "ask" (atarr) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "away" (tanja)
- Added word for "because" (zato)
- Added word for "berry" (abeho)
- Added word for "bush/shrub" (ja'shanjijri)
- Added word for "candy/treat" (kisha)
- Added word for "capital" (tarjhadat)
- Added word for "clawless" (daythozay)
- Added word for "climb" (khipe) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "curious" (dosa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "false" (suth) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "forget" (rajas)
- Added word for "fox" (jua)
- Added word for "grape" (vatovu)
- Added word for "hold" (shota)
- Added word for "hug" (ujo) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "lick" (reli)
- Added word for "line" (ujki) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "list" (taash)
- Added word for "move" (zav) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "pillow" (saiso) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "possible" (hodi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "rage" (ra'kujo)
- Added word for "remember" (anpa) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "sink" (nuqo)
- Added word for "skill" (khito) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "sour" (qali)
- Added word for "still" (yesho)
- Added word for "thing" (satil)
- Added word for "tired" (zai) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "true" (thzi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "truth" (thzina) *Source Translation*
- Added word for "weather" (ayathra)
- Added word for "wisdom" (kestuna)
- Added word for "wise" (kestu)
- Changed word for "gender" from "afe" to "afeto"
January 24, 2016
- Added synonym "lord" to word "chieftain"
- Added word for "ceremony" (sinadath)
- Added word for "comfort" (kol) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "could" (dejka)
- Added word for "get" (yava) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "handsome" (raijo)
- Added word for "help" (zatay) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "muzzle" (malerdo)
- Added word for "put" (nas) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "rest" (wano) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "sentence/phrase" (gelwi)
- Added word for "should" (aso)
- Added word for "so" (opa)
- Added word for "some" (ega)
- Added word for "stamina" (neroth)
- Added word for "sweep" (sipul)
- Added word for "train" (ranarr) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "use" (hadi) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "very" (zira) and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "wait" (thza)
- Added word for "wares" (jhaka)
- Added word for "where" (kalor)
- Added word for "who" (kaver)
- Added word for "word" (hazur) and numerous synonyms
January 23, 2016
- Added a Phrases page which will be filled in soon!
- Redid some site graphics
- Reformatted Translator page for improved appearance (Thanks to Chip Wolf)
- Back-end coding improvements for the translator (Thanks to Chip Wolf)
- Added synonym count and total translatable words count to Dictionary page
- Added word for "today" (jajopal)
- Added word for "tomorrow" (ikopal)
- Added word for "yesterday" (sunopal)
- Added word for "random" (trovisozay) and numerous synonyms
- Added synonym "gap" to word "space"
- Added synonym "talk" to word "speak"
- Added synonym "chat" to word "speak"
- Added word for "maybe" and numerous synonyms
- Added word for "possibility" and numerous synonyms
January 22, 2016
- Greatly improved the dictionary style and layout to make it easier to read
- Changed order of web site side bar links
- Added hundreds of variations on existing words (far too numerous to list them all)
- Added word for "ancestry" (anzi)
- Added word for "apologize" (uradith)
- Added word for "aside" (toseve)
- Added word for "astride" (vadoshij)
- Added word for "boy" (droj)
- Added word for "broth" (aigam)
- Added word for "curved" (gasefi)
- Added word for "dominate" (vadaj)
- Added word for "draw/sketch" (pish)
- Added word for "expensive" (zabish)
- Added word for "explosion" (pewapa)
- Added word for "feed" (gira)
- Added word for "flat" (metin)
- Added word for "greet" (drasith)
- Added word for "hang" (foha)
- Added word for "hello/greetings" (dras'kay)
- Added word for "hi/howdy" (dras)
- Added word for "honey" (kirma)
- Added word for "idiot" (wafiit)
- Added word for "knowledge" (korna)
- Added word for "lay" (pefo)
- Added word for "least" (esato)
- Added word for "less" (eso)
- Added word for "lie(fib)" (yosh)
- Added word for "lie(position)" (lurma)
- Added word for "lift/raise" (feta)
- Added word for "master/mistress" (vadajiit)
- Added word for "may" (kiz)
- Added word for "melt" (hetu)
- Added word for "opposite" (uthevi)
- Added word for "parent" (barun)
- Added word for "power" (tarj)
- Added word for "race(species)" (gerjo)
- Added word for "season" (shivatasan)
- Added word for "sex" (zaj)
- Added word for "shallow" (bure)
- Added word for "since" (eta)
- Added word for "skeleton" (shupoma)
- Added word for "smart" (yasir)
- Added word for "son" (jor)
- Added word for "sorrow" (uradana)
- Added word for "sorry" (urada)
- Added word for "space" (iken)
- Added word for "stupid" (wafa)
- Added word for "submit" (mezai)
- Added word for "teach" (korna dan)
- Added word for "unlike" (ifoh)
- Added word for "wear" (zwoka)
- Added word for "welcome" (yosan)
- Added word for "win" (rakiz)
- Changed word for "ancestor" from "anzi" to "anziit"
- Changed word for "arrest" from "ketedarith" to "rava dar"
- Changed word for "do" from "she" to "saj"
- Changed word for "fungus/mushroom" from "naba-shanjinri" to "sashkre"
- Changed word for "island" from "jijri-tomir" to "tomir"
- Changed word for "lost" from "ba'yo" to "vitu'i"
- Changed word for "love" from "shal" to "isha"
- Changed word for "luck" from "shrraa" to "sharra"
- Changed word for "paint" from "putujno" to "putuj"
- Changed word for "part" from "trura" to "trun"
- Changed word for "prison" from "ketedar" to "ketepaj"
- Changed word for "sound" from "suna" to "sun"
- Changed word for "stand" from "mafas" to "shij"
- Changed word for "wine" from "krehu" to "vato"
January 20, 2016
- Drastically reduced file sizes of web site graphics to improve page performance.
January 19, 2016
- The Ta'agra Dictionary is now hosted locally on our dictionary page. We will publicly maintain the Google Docs page for a short peroid of time but will soon restrict it to developer access only.
- The Ta'agra Translator is now available! This translator pulls directly from our current dictionary database, and will also search for synonym matches in addition to direct word matches. We want to give a huge thank you to our friend Chip Wolf for helping us get this off the ground. The translator will be in development over the coming months. Please contact us or post in our forums to report any bugs.
- Consolidated several updates from the previous week.
- January 13, 2016: Replaced numerals with words (1-10, 20-90, 100, 1000, 1000000) in the dictionary.
- January 13, 2016: Added translations for woman (ro'iit) (same as "female"), womanly (ro'iiti).
- January 13, 2016: Changed translation of "jekosiit" from "(unknown insult)" to "sheep-shagger".
- January 13, 2016: Removed duplicate entry of "k'sharraj".
- January 13, 2016: Reorganized spreadsheet to separate development columns from practical columns.
January 13, 2016
- We are back after taking a break over the busy holiday season! We are happy to announce that we've just surpassed 900 translated words in the dictionary!
- We will now be posting announcements and future plans in the home page.
- Updated home page with new contributors who have made given input and feedback to support the project. Thank you so much!
- Updated irregular verbs page with future tenses and the negative form of "to be".
- Updated source documents page with a missing translation suggested by contributor Zara Ritha'iit on our forums.
- Special thanks to the following contributors this update: Ja'mes, Zara Ritha'itt, Ja'Q'Dar, Za'raena, Kuri-do, M'arrin, Dar'Saerak, Setari-do. Special thanks to the ESO NA-AD guilds Sugar Claw Clan and The Aldmeri Initiative for their support.
- Consolidated numerous updates from previous weeks and months.
- January 12, 2016: Changed word for "lamb" from "ma'peko" to "ma'jekos". Changed word for "freedom" from "kete" to "rava".
- January 12, 2015: Added 20 new translations for: "(I) am not" (na), "(We/you/y'all/they) are not" (nara), "(He/she/it) is not" (naba), "(I) was not" (naber), "(We/you/y'all/they) were not" (nabeka), "(He/she/it) was not" (nabera), "(I) will not be" (nase), "(We/you/y'all/they) will not be" (narase), "(He/she/it) will not be" (nabase), "(I) will be" (vase), "(We/you/y'all/they) will be" (varase), "(He/she/it) will be" (vabase), "goat" (peko, formerly the word for sheep), "free(adj)" (ravi), "free(v)" (ravith), "slavery" (kete), "slave" (ketiit), "enslave" (ketith), "honor" (zeto), "honorable" (zeti).
- January 11, 2016: Changed word for "sheep" from "peko" to "jekos". Changed word for "defend" from "rasino" to "rasin".
- January 11, 2016: Added 29 new translations for: "lost" (bayo), "found" (baqu), "harvest(n)" (husha), "harvest(v)" (hushith), "fate" (zisa), "sword" (khelij), "armor" (tedri), "shield" (qedin), "defender" (rasiniit), "defense" (rasina), "story" (purna), "reveal/unfold" (furo), "charm/captivate" (jashe), "read" (gesh), "write" (dur), "weapon" (epal), "reach(v)" (utan), "reach(n)" (utana), "vault/safe" (yotra), "famous" (epazi), "bow(weapon)" (buno), "pull" (zan), "push" (zuth), "despite" (thzuvith), "than" (elo), "through" (tohe'i), "bend(v)" (futh), "jewelry" (jelwi), "amulet" (sava).
- January 10, 2016: Minor formatting changes to dictionary spreadsheet. Resorted dictionary spreadsheet by category. Added column listing first letter of each word. Added count of words beginning with each letter to bottom of spreadsheet.
- January 10, 2016: Added 7 new translations for: "weed" (bama), "dirt/soil" (fiba), "mud" (divifiba, lit "wet dirt"), "shine(n)" (zrim), "shiny" (zrimi), "shine(v)" (zrimith), "always/forever" (raj'kona, lit. "all times").
- January 8, 2016: Changed word for "garden" from "maj'wakhai" to "jana". Added Weapons/Armor category to dictionary.
- January 8, 2016: Added 12 new translations for: "arrow" (sahim), "huge" (iya), "perfect" (esi), "silk" (harir), "cat(non-khajiit)" (qara), "catlike" (qara'i), "sight" (vakona), "hearing(n)" (arona), "fruit" (shobi), "vegetable" (quskro), "meet" (yato), "too/also" (zath).
- December 16, 2015: Added 3 new translations for: "lose" (vitu), "die" (sallidadith), "death" (sallidadna).
- December 14, 2015: Added 3 new translations for: "luck" (shrraa), "ill-fated one" (k'sharraj), "unlucky" (k'sharraji).
- December 11, 2015: Added 1 new translation for: "turn" (zraga).
- November 30, 15: Added 4 new translations for: "do" (she), "marry" (rejizeva'ith), "divorce" (rejizeva'ithoh), "near" (kranaj).
- October 21, 2015: Added 2 new translations for: "baby" (ma'khajiit) and "female" (ro'iit).
- October 21, 2015: Changed kitten from "ma'alfiqoh" to "ja'khajiit". "Alfiqoh" was considered as a word for "cat(non-khajiit)" but was later abandoned.
- October 1, 2015: 3 new translations for: "alive" (wovar, lit. "with sugar"), "beyond" (mir), "aboard" (isozreho, lit. "on boat").
- October 1, 2015: Changed "amid" to be a synonym for "among" instead of a separate word.
- September 23, 2015: Added 1 new translation for "cheap" (jajahi).
- September 16, 2015: Added 8 new translations for: "absent" (valqah), "by" (iho), "behind" (dena), "atop" (tuj), "along" (ajri), "against" (akrai), "among" (ihaz), "down" (fema).
September 15, 2015
- Updated list of contributors on Home page.
September 13, 2015
- Changed nominalization rule from +naa to +na. This was done to avoid a frequent occurrence of a triple-A in situations where nominalized words are pluralized.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Numerous words in the dictionary that originally ended with "naa" from being nominalized have been changed to ending with "na".
- Added rules for pluralizing nominalized words. +na is added as normal, and the normal pluralization rules are followed for words ending with the letter "A" (+'a). To nominalize AND pluralize a word, you add "+na'a".
- Added 13 translations contributed by a fan of the project for: "autumn" (jeh'sen) , "summer" (letos), "spring" (projle), "winter" (zima), "garden" (maj'wakhai), "forest" (vana), "secret" (buzurr), "unknown" (radoz), "until" (adi), "dry" (sekha), "pray" (sa'alai), "pull" (satu), "light (weight)" (aqir).
- Added 1 new word and translation for "prayer" (sa'alaina).
- Consolidated numerous updates from previous weeks.
- August 27, 2015: Added 5 new translations for: "loud" (da'ij), "mean" (rhogur), "rich" (jheshik), "tight" (tatay'im), "low" (bushai)
- August 25, 2015: Added 1 new translation for: "loose" (slesan).
- August 24, 2015: Added 8 new translations for: "to cross" (khivado), "more" (comparative adv) (saa), "most" (superlative adv) (jai), "bad" (may'a), "worse" (saa may'a), "worst" (jai may'a),"better" (saa do), "best" (jai do).
- August 12, 2015: Added 1 new translation for: "or" (yo).
- August 10, 2015: Added 2 new translations for: "if" (ike) and "then" (arra).
- August 8, 2015: Removed words for "cat"(n) and "feline"(adj). We did not care for our initial derivation of these words and will come up with alternate words.
- August 8, 2015: Conducted extensive categorization and sorting of the dictionary spreadsheet to help clean up its appearance.
August 7, 2015
- Added 7 new words and translations: beat (hit/strike), come, nothing, between, these, those, beside.
- Changed "echo" from "zwora" to "yadi".
- Consolidated numerous old updates that haven't been posted here yet:
- March 13: Added 1 new translation: grow.
- March 20: Added 6 new translations: daughter, gender, goddess, music, musical, travel.
- March 20: Added 1 new word and translation: worship.
- March 25: Added 4 new words and translations: echo, madness, insane, beat (rhythm).
- April 5: Added 1 new translation: marriage.
- April 5: Added 1 new word and translation: tie.
March 10, 2015
- Modified Grammar rules for pluralizing nouns. Instead of adding +i (which was the same thing done for forming adjectives), plurals will now either add +a/+'a or drop the final vowel then +a (depending on what letter the word ends with).
- Added a line that was missing from the S'rathra/Cyrus conversation under Source Documents.
- Corrected a couple formatting errors.
- Updated link to our new Forums hosted on the Enjin service.
February 21, 2015
- Added 2 new translations: dance, dancer.
- Added 10 new words and translations: feel, feeling, twilight, hunger, hungry, thrist, thirsty, paradise, drum, distance.
- Completed one incomplete source translation analysis (S'rathra).
- Changed word for "go" to "khi" from "sra" based on new source analysis.
- Removed word for "travel" (was created from the old, incorrect word for go).
- Updated grammar rules for +naa, and +ka suffixes.
- Removed word for "will".
- Added suffix +se to express future tense.
- Added source reference for "Llesw'er" to Source Documents.
- Removed words for "from" and "to". The lative and ablative noun cases will be used instead.
February 20, 2015
- Added 10 new words and translations: need, want, deserve, can, kind, kindness, person, ugliness, beauty, beautiful.
February 19, 2015
- Added Lative (to) and Ablative (from) noun cases.
- Removed reference to "origin" nouns (now just uses Ablative case).
- Removed references to Perfect and Perfection Continuous verb tenses. These will no longer be used.
February 17, 2015
- Added 1 new word and translation: decide/choose.
February 5, 2015
- Updated the Pronouns tab of the Google doc.
- Added 5 new translations: hiss, crowd, crowded, medicine, god.
- Added 1 new word and translation: travel.
February 4, 2015
- Completed the Pronouns section.
- Added 15 new translations: she/her/hers, herself, he/him/his, himself, it/its, itself, them/them/their/theirs, themselves, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, beak, feather, ride, gallop
- Added 1 new word and translation: saddle.
- Revised Grammar section. An incorrect Ta'agra was used as an example multiple times.
February 2, 2015
- Added 1 new word and translation: diamond.
January 23, 2015
- We had a very busy holiday season, but we're back now!
- Added 6 new translations: love, growl, small, large, job, arrest.
- Added 4 new words and translations: ancestor, aedra, daedra, freedom.
- Changed spelling of "ketedarr" to "ketedar".
- Added nominaliation rules to Grammar section (verb/adjective/adverb to noun).
- Rewrote Adjectival Nouns category of the Grammar section to be more clear.
December 31, 2014
- Changed the script symbol for the letter "O".
- Added 8 new translations: contract, drug, drugging, defend, peace, sport, race (sport), ball.
December 30, 2014
- Added 8 new translations: officer, writer, home, artist, lawyer, bite, sad, silent.
- Added 3 new words and translations: donate, art, law.
- Determined proper analysis for "Ahzirr durrarriss" and updated Source Documents section with analysis. This phrase is translated as "We give freely to the people." We decided that the literal translation of this phrase is "We donate" (We give charitably).
- "durrarriss" was determined to mean "to donate" (to give charitably). This was initially an unresolved translation because "durrarr" means "pen" which left us with "pen + people". We simply determined that "durrarriss" was its own unique word and that its etymology relating to pens/writing and people has some undetermined cultural significance.
December 29, 2014
- Added 4 translations: team, prison, attack, sign.
- Added 1 new word and translation: Argonian.
December 28, 2014
- Added Ta'agra script symbols and the Ta'agra words for numbers to the Alphabet section.
- Added a new letter, "Y", to the alphabet. We were initially not going to include this letter in the alphabet because we couldn't find any lore examples where this letter was used as a consonant (it was only used to make the "ay" sound which we have a separate letter for). We located a lore example of this letter being used as a consonant in the town of "Khaj'yahai" in Village of the Lost from Coldharbour.
- Added 5 new translations: hunter, hunting/to hunt, half, quarter, bark.
- Added 17 new words and translations: dull, sharp, change, Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Chimer, Maormer, Falmer, Nord, Human, Breton, Red Guard, deep, ship, sail(v).
December 23, 2014
- Updated change log for additions made yesterday.
- Fixed a couple of broken links in the Grammar section.
December 22, 2014
- Added 9 new translations: squeak, teacher, healthy, doctor, patient, server, war, poison, poisoning.
- Added 6 new words and translations: lesson, health, magicka, mage, witch, Restoration (school).
- Tweaked some forum settings that were preventing new posts from being created.
December 19, 2014
- Updated the Alphabet section. Added sound samples for most letters.
- Added link to Source Documents which was missing from the navigation bar.
December 18, 2014
- Added graphics to the web site.
- Uploaded script sample to the web site.
December 17, 2014
- Determined proper translations for brother/sister/sibling that we've been evaluating for some time.
- "ro-" will be a feminizing prefix. "aa-" will be a gender neutral prefix.
- Roliter = sister. Aaliter = sibling. Liter = brother.
- Rotot = wife. Aatot = spouse. Tot = husband.
- Ro'aran = queen. Aa'aran = monarch. Aran = king. Ja'ro'aran = princess.
- Changed spelling: "for" is now "dorr" instead of "dor".
- Changed spelling: "return" is now "derod" instead of "derad".
- Added word for "would": "ko".
- Changed spelling: "2" is now "qo" instead of "ko" (conflict with "would").
- Upgraded website files to PHP from HTML.
- Imported "Source Documents" section from original spreadsheet.
December 16, 2014
- Began building website for www.taagra.com. Will begin transitioning pages from the Google Drive spreadsheet we have been using over to this web site.
December 15, 2014
- Registered www.taagra.com domain for our project.
December 8, 2014
- Corrected error on Past Progressive verb tense.
- Changed word for "no" from "kho" to "dov".
- Added 26 new Ta'agra words and translations: top, front, straight, east, west, bottom, burn, mix, carry, catch, pass, sleep, count, tall, fast, narrow, ugly, strong, weak, hard, soft, friend, friendly, part, order, last.
December 7, 2014
- Added 20 new Ta'agra words and translations: north, south, kiss, dig, stand, find, shake, wide, slow, cut, wash, call, clean, new, old, wet, sick, quiet, happy, close.
- Swapped words for open and close. Open is now "bago" and close is now "tas".
December 5, 2014
- Added Philosophy and Methodology notes to "About" section.
- Revised Sentence Structure again. We expect this to be the final version.
- Revised grammar rules to include Past/Present/Future Perfect tenses.
- Added word for "will" (future tense): "ij".
- Added all forms of current irregular verbs (to be, to have, to become) in both present and past tense.
- Added irregular verbs to "Dictionary" section.
- Added a new "Pronouns" section.
December 3, 2014
- Revised "About" section, created new tab for "Change Log", added contact information.
- Changed "up" from "do" to "pe". "Do" was already used for "good".
- Substantial work on "Grammar" section.
- Changed prefixes for young versions of animals from "ja'" to "ma'".
- Added 28 new Ta'agra words, and a couple dozen new English words which need to be translated.
- Substantial work on "Dictionary" section formatting.
December 2, 2014
- Added another source document, changed word for "light" from "khav" to "siir" based on source.
- Added words: people, Jone, Jode.
- Additional work on grammar section.
- Removed 8 accidental duplicate words from the dictionary.
November 28, 2014
- Revised grammar rules (namely sentence word order). Primarily uses Subject-Verb-Object order now, with exceptions.
November 25, 2014
- Posted work completed to date to Dark Creations.
July 24, 2014
- Completed new word generator and began adding to the dictionary.
June 2, 2014
- Began deconstruction analysis.
March 18, 2014
- Began work on the Ta'agra Project.