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Last Dictionary Update: August 27, 2019
Translated Words: 2626
Synonyms: 4180
Total translatable words: 6806
ENGLISH | TA'AGRA | TYPE | SYNONYMS & RELATED WORDS | NOTES | a | | art | | Not used | aboard | izreho | adv/pr | | Lit. "on boat" | about | eja | adv/pr | | | absence | valqahna | n | | | absent | valqah | adv/pr | | | absurd | gzalzi | adj | | Irregular adjective form. | absurdity | gzalzi | n | | | accept | telai | v | accepts, accepting | | accepted | telaika | v | | | achieve | ra'kaba | v | achieves, achieving, attain, attains, attaining | | achieved | ra'kabaka | v | attained | | achievement | ra'kabana | n | achievement, attainment | | achievements | ra'kabana'a | n | achievements, attainments | | across | etru | adv/pr | | | active | zavi | adj | lively | | admiral | adima | n | | Borrowed word | admirals | adima'a | n | | | adult | asiit | n | | Irregular | adults | asiit | n | | Irregular | aedra | athranzi | n | | Lit. "spirit ancestor" | after | iko | adj/pr | | | afternoon | lukpal | n | | Lit. "late day" | afternoons | lukpala | n | | | again | pofa | adv | | | against | akrai | pr | opposed | | ago | dre'i | adv | | | air | chi | n | | | akatosh | alkosh | n | | Alkosh is the Khajiiti name for Akatosh | alcohol | zrajit | n | booze, liquor | | alcohols | zrajita | n | liquors | | alive | wovar | adj | | Lit. "with sugar" | all | tsin'ra | adj/adv/n/pn | whole, entire | | alliance | samadi | n | union, partnership, pairing, pact, coalition | | alliances | samada | n | unions, partnerships, pairings, pacts, coalitions | | allies | samadiit | n | partners | | allow | alsa | v | allows, allowing, permit, permits, permitting, concede, concedes, conceding, lets, letting | | allowance | alsana | n | permission, concession | | allowances | alsana'a | n | permissions, concessions | | allowed | alsaka | v | permitted, conceded, let | | ally | samadiit | n | partner | | ally | samadith | v | allies, unite, unites | | alone | fano | adj | lonesome, lonely, solitary, isolated, lone | | along | ajri | adj/pr | | | alphabet | abuka | n | | | alphabets | abuka'a | n | | | already | sabi | adv | | | also | zath | adv | too | | altmer | alimer | n | high elf | Lit. "high elf" | altmeri | alimeri | adj | | | always | raj'kono | adv | forever | Lit. "every time" | am | va | v | | "I am", Irregular verb | am not | na | v | | "I am not", Irregular verb | among | ihaz | pr | amid, amidst | | amulet | sava | n | | | amulets | sava'a | n | | | an | | art | | Not used | anaquina | ne quin-al | n | | | anaquinan | ne quin-ali | adj | | Something characteristic of Anaquina | anaquinan | ne quin-aliitay | n | | A person from Anaquina | ancestor | anziit | n | | | ancestors | anziit | n | | | ancestry | anzi | n | | | ancient | ri'tarmo | adj | | | and | an | cj | | | anger | kujith | v | angers, angering, aggravate, aggravates, aggravating, incense, incenses, incensing, offend, offends, offending | | anger | kujo | n | acrimony, animosity, ire, enmity, resentment, offense, aggravation | | angered | kujithka | v | aggravated, incensed, offended | | angers | kuja | n | aggravations, acrimonies, animosities, ires, enmities, resentments | | angry | kuji | adj | mad | | animal | naraj | n | beast, creature | | animalistic | naraji | adj | bestial | | animals | naraja | n | beasts, creatures | | annoy | taza | v | annoys, annoying, irritate, irritates, irritating, bother, bothers, bothering, perturb, perturbs, perturbing, provoke, provokes, provoking, displease, displeases, displeasing | | annoyance | tazana | n | irritation, provokation, displeasure | | annoyances | tazana'a | n | irritations, provokations, displeasures | | annoyed | tazaka | v | irritated, bothered, perturbed, provoked, displeased | | annoying | tazi | adj | irksome, bothersome | | any | ash | adj/adv/pn | | | anyhow | ashrik | adv | | | anyone | ashahz | pn | | | apartment | krabakun | n | | | apartments | krabakuna | n | | | apologize | uradith | v | apologizes, apologizing | | apologized | uradithka | v | | | appear | vakovo | v | appears, appearing | | appearance | vakovona | n | form, mien | | appearances | vakovona'a | n | forms | | appeared | vakovoka | v | | | apple | vobil | n | | | apples | vobila | n | | | april | rawlteno | n | rain's hand | Abbreviation: "Rt" | are | vara | v | | "We/you/y'all/they are", Irregular verb | are not | nara | v | aren't | "We/you/y'all/they are not", Irregular verb | argonian | sakhliit | n | | Adaptation of Saxhleel | argonians | sakhliit | n | | | arm | kradi | n | | | armor | tedri | n | | | armors | tedra | n | | | arms | krada | n | | | around | ba'zrasha | adv/pr | | | aroused | zuushi | adj | horny, frisky, flirty, randy | | arrest | rava dar | v | arrests, imprison, imprisons, jail, jails, detain, detains, arresting, imprisoning, jailing, detaining, capture, captures, capturing | Lit. "freedom steal" | arrested | rava darka | v | imprisoned, jailed, detained, captured | | arrive | yasi | v | arrives, arriving | | arrived | yasika | v | | | arrow | sahim | n | | | arrows | sahima | n | | | art | kalaa | n | | | artifact | alado | n | antique, relic | | artifacts | alada | n | antiques, relics | | artist | kaliit | n | | | artistic | kali | adj | artful | | as | ba | adv/cj/pr | | | ash | saf | n | | | ashes | safa | n | | | aside | toseve | adv | | Lit. "at side". Not used as the noun for "a remark" | ask | atarr | v | asks, asking, inquire, inquires, inquiring, request, requests, requesting | | asked | atarrka | v | inquired, requested | | astride | vadoshij | pr | | Lit. "over stand" | at | to | pr | | | ate | ritoka | v | ingested, consumed | | atop | tuj | adv/pr | | | attack | takarr | v | attacks, attacking, assault, assaults, assaulting | | attacked | takarrka | v | assaulted | | attempt | wala | v | attempts, attempting, try, tries, trying, endeavor, endeavoring, endeavors, strive, striving, strives | | attempt | walana | n | try | An attempt | attempted | walaka | v | tried, endeavored, strived | | attempts | walana'a | n | tries | | august | kumatu'sekil | n | last seed | Abbreviation: "Kts" | aunt | tenfo | n | | | aunts | tenfa | n | | | autumn | jeh'sen | n | | Fall (Season) | away | sahaala | adv | | | axe | balto | n | | | axes | balta | n | | | azura | azurah | n | | Azurah is the Khajiiti name for Azura | babies | ma'khajiit | n | infants | | baby | ma'khajiit | n | infant | ma'(race name) for other races (e.g. ma'alimer). | back | huna | adj/adv | rear | Back (Direction) | back | junor | n | | Back (Body) | backs | junora | n | | | bad | may'a | adj | poor, imperfect, improper | | badly | may'i | adv | poorly, imperfectly, improperly | | bag | hovep | n | backpack, pack, pouch, purse, sack, satchel | | bags | hovepa | n | backpacks, packs, pouches, purses, sacks, satchels | | baker | barijiit | n | | | bakers | barijiit | n | | | balance | tawa | v | balances, balancing, harmonize, harmonizes, harmonizing, stabilize, stabilizes, stabilizing | | balance | tawana | n | equity, equilibrium, harmony, stability | | balanced | tawaka | v | harmonized, stabilized | | ball | zashka | n | | | ballista | khrazito | n | | Lit. "claw throw[er]" | ballistas | khrazita | n | | | balls | zashka'a | n | | | banana | mahay | n | | | bananas | mahay'a | n | | | bandit | renrij | n | ruffian, scum, landless | Negative, dishonorable connotation. | bandits | renrija | n | ruffians | Negative, dishonorable connotation. | bank | jahpaj | n | | | banks | jahpaja | n | | | bark | bao | v | barks, barking | | barked | baoka | v | | | bathroom | da'khevos | n | restroom, lavatory, washroom | | bathrooms | da'khevosa | n | restrooms, lavatories, washrooms | | be | vaba | v | being | Irregular verb | be not | naba | v | | Irregular verb | beach | kalmir | n | shore, coast | | beaches | kalmira | n | shores, coasts | | beak | yoka | n | | | beaks | yoka'a | n | | | bear | deba | n | | The animal | beard | ifoshabi | n | | | beards | ifoshaba | n | | | bears | deba'a | n | | | beautiful | serush | adj | pretty, gorgeous, lovely | | beauty | serushna | n | | | became | vabekazar | v | | "He/she/it became", Irregular verb | became | vaberzari | v | | "I became", Irregular verb | became | vaberzarita | v | | "We/you/y'all/they became", Irregular verb | because | zato | cj | | | become | varazeri | v | | "We/you/y'all/they become", Irregular verb | become | vazeri | v | | "I become", Irregular verb | becomes | vabazeri | v | | "He/she/it becomes", Irregular verb | bed | taguj | n | | | bedroom | tagujvos | n | | | bedrooms | tagujvosa | n | | | beds | taguja | n | | | beef | siget | n | | | beer | pajap | n | ale, brew | | beers | pajapa | n | ales, brews | | before | suno | adv/cj/pr | | | behind | dena | adv/pr | | Not used informally for "buttocks" | bellies | muda | n | stomachs, abdomens, tummies | | belly | mudu | n | stomach, abdomen, tummy | | below | vasa | adv/pr | under, beneath | | bend | futh | v | bends, bending | | bent | futhka | v | | | berries | abeha | n | | | berry | abeho | n | | | beside | vaseve | pr | next | | best | jai'do | adj | | Lit. "most good" | better | saa'do | adj | | Lit. "more good" | between | vakiz | adv/pr | | | beverage | dujrapo | n | drink | | beverages | dujrapa | n | drinks | | beyond | mir | adv/pr | past | Not used as the noun for "the unknown after death" | bird | apash | n | | | birds | apasha | n | | | bit | katatajka | v | | | bite | katataj | v | bites, biting | To bite | bite | katatajna | n | | A bite | bites | katatajna'a | n | | | black | morto | adj/n | | | blackness | mortona | n | | | blind | vakozay | adj | | | blindness | vakozayna | n | | | bliss | anada | n | euphoria | | blissful | anadi | adj | euphoric | | blood | keth | n | | | bloody | kethi | adj | gruesome | | blue | dirun | adj/n | | | blues | diruna | n | | | bodies | sha | n | | | body | shu | n | | | bold | peshar | adj | aggressive, courageous, audacious, brave, daring, valiant, confident | | boldness | pesharna | n | aggression, courage, audacity, bravery, daring, valiance, confidence | | bone | upom | n | | | bones | upoma | n | | | book | jabo | n | novel, text, manual, tome | | books | jaba | n | novels, texts, manuals, tomes | | boot | sotud | n | | | boots | sotuda | n | | | bore | malith | v | bores, boring | | bored | malithka | v | | | boredom | mala | n | tedium, monotony | | boring | mali | adj | tedius, monotonous | | bosmer | drenamer | n | | Lit. "wood elf" | bosmeri | drenameri | adj | | | bottle | alkith | v | bottles, bottling | To bottle | bottle | alku | n | jar, jug, urn, vial, carafe | A bottle | bottled | alkithka | v | | | bottles | alka | n | jars, jugs, urns, vials, carafes | | bottom | thzoli | adj/n | | | bought | dojthaka | v | purchased | | bow | buno | n | | The weapon | bow | shufuth | v | bows, bowing | Lit. "body bend" | bowed | shufuthka | v | | | bowl | epe | n | basin, dish | | bowls | epa | n | basins, dishes | | bows | buna | n | | The weapons | box | hefe | n | crate, package | | boxes | hefa | n | crates, packages | | boy | droj | n | | | boyfriend | aritrevan | n | | Gender neutral, Lit. "love friend" | boyfriends | aritrevan | n | | | boyish | droji | adj | | | boys | droja | n | | | brain | athoku | n | | | brains | athoka | n | | | brave | pesharith | v | braves, braving, dare, dares, daring | | brave | shurh'do | adj | courageous | | braved | pesharithka | v | dared | | bravery | shurh'dona | n | courage | | bread | barij | n | | | breads | barija | n | | | break | keja | v | breaks, breaking, destroy, destroys, destroying | | breakfast | baha | n | | | breakfasts | baha'a | n | | | breast | lasho | n | boob, tit, mammary | | breasts | lasha | n | boobs, tits, mammaries | | breton | aqomer | n | | Lit. "Half Elf" | bretons | aqomera | n | | | brew | soj | v | brews, brewing | | brewed | sojka | v | | | brewer | sojiit | n | | | brewers | sojiit | n | | | bridge | pojtri | n | | | bridges | pojtra | n | | | bright | jobal | adj | | | bring | dura | v | brings, bringing | | broke | kejaka | v | destroyed | | broken | keji | adj | damaged | | broth | aigam | n | | | brother | liter | n | | | brotherly | literi | adj | | | brothers | litera | n | | | broths | aigama | n | | | brothy | aigami | adj | | | brought | duraka | v | | | brown | drepa | adj/n | | | browns | drepa'a | n | | | bucket | jay | n | pail | Spelling changed from "jei" | buckets | jay'a | n | pails | | build | dunith | v | builds, building, assemble, assembles, assembling, construct, constructs, constructing | | builder | duniit | n | | | builders | duniit | n | | | building | dun | n | structure | | buildings | duna | n | structures | | built | dunithka | v | assembled, constructed | | burn | zrege | v | burning, burns, ignite, ignites, igniting, singe, singes, singing, scorch, scorching, scorches, incinerate, incinerates, incinerating | | burn | zregena | n | | | burned | zregeka | v | ignited, singed, scorched, incinerated | | burned | zregi | adj | burnt, singed, scorched | | burns | zregena'a | n | | | bush | ja'shan | n | shrub | | bushes | ja'shana | n | shrubs | | but | bo | cj | | | butcher | jekiit | n | | | butchers | jekiit | n | | | buy | dojtha | v | buys, buying, purchase, purchases, purchasing | | buyer | dojthiit | n | customer, client, consumer, purchaser | | buyers | dojthiit | n | customers, clients, consumers, purchasers | | by | iho | adv/pr | | | cacti | sabaara | n | | | cactus | sabaar | n | | | cake | varbarij | n | cupcake, cookie, pastry, muffin, sweetroll | Lit. "sugar bread" | cakes | varbarija | n | cupcakes, cookies, pastries, muffins, sweetrolls | | calendar | shazalko | n | | | calendars | shazalka | n | | | call | hika | v | calls, calling, shout, shouts, shouting, yell, yells, yelling | | call | hikana | n | shout, yell | | called | hikaka | v | shouted, yelled | | calls | hikana'a | n | shouts, yells | | came | kudka | v | | | camel | slarjay | n | | Spelling changed from "slarjei" | camels | slarjay'a | n | | | camp | kegith | v | camps, camping | To camp | camp | kego | n | encampment | A camp | camped | kegithka | v | | | camps | kega | n | encampments | | can | dej | v | | | can't | dejoh | v | | | candies | kisha'a | n | bonbons, confections, treats | | candle | voleq | n | | | candles | voleqa | n | | | candy | kisha | n | bonbon, confection, treat | | canyon | kebarr | n | gorge, ravine, gulley | | canyons | kebarra | n | gorges, ravines, gulleys | | capital | tarjhadat | n | | Lit. "power city" | capitals | tarjhadata | n | | | captain | kapat | n | | Borrowed word | captains | kapata | n | | | caravan | za'yar | n | convoy, cavalcade | | caravanner | za'yariit | n | | | caravanners | za'yariit | n | | | caravans | za'yara | n | convoys, cavalcades | | card | aferro | n | ticket, voucher | | cards | aferra | n | tickets, vouchers | Commonly: Playing cards | carpet | sohanid | n | rug | | carpets | sohanida | n | rugs | | carried | torewahka | v | | | carry | torewah | v | carries, carrying | | cat | qara | n | | Specifically non-khajiit, but can be used to refer to khajiit in a more casual/derogatory fashion | catapult | kethbazito | n | | Lit. "rock throw[er]" | catapults | kethbazita | n | | | catch | katkuri | v | catching | | catlike | qari | adj | feline | Specifically non-khajiit, but can be used to refer to khajiit in a more casual/derogatory fashion | cats | qara'a | n | felines | Specifically non-khajiit, but can be used to refer to khajiit in a more casual/derogatory fashion | caught | katkurika | v | | | cause | ka | v | causing, causes, induce, induces, inducing | | cause | kana | n | source | | caused | kaka | v | induced | | causes | kana'a | n | sources | | cave | basik | n | cavern, grotto | | cavelike | basiki | adj | cavernous | | caves | basika | n | caverns, grottos | | ceiling | themer | n | | | ceilings | themera | n | | | centuries | jantoshivata | n | | | century | jantoshivat | n | | | ceremonial | sinadathi | adj | ritualistic | | ceremonies | sinadatha | n | rituals, rites | | ceremony | sinadath | n | ritual, rite | | certain | zav | adj | sure, absolute, definite, confident | | certainly | zavi | adv | surely, absolutely, definitely, truly, undoubtedly, indeed, verily | | certainty | zavina | n | sureness, confidence | | chair | bofu | n | stool, seat | | chairs | bofa | n | stools, seats | | chamberpot | pajuwo | n | toilet, pisspot, bedpan | Lit. "house pot" | chamberpots | pajuwa | n | toilets, pisspots, bedpans | | change | yena | n | | A change | change | yenith | v | changes, changing | To change | changed | yenithka | v | | | changes | yena'a | n | | | chaos | khadok | n | turmoil, anarchy, disarray, disorder | | chaotic | khadoki | adj | tumultuous, disarrayed, disordered | | charm | jashe | v | charms, charming, captivate, captivates, captivating, enthrall, enthralls, enthralling, beguile, beguiles, beguiling | | charmed | jasheka | v | captivated, enthralled, beguiled | | charming | jashi | adj | delightful, appealing, lovely | | chase | s'virash | v | chases, chasing, pursue, pursues, pursuing | | chased | s'virashka | v | pursued | | cheap | jajahi | adj | inexpensive, economical | | check | afo | v | checks, checking, examine, examines, examining, evaluate, evaluates, evaluating, assess, assesses, assessing, inspect, inspects, inspecting, investigate, investigates, investigating, scrutinize, scrutinizes, scrutinizing | | checked | afoka | v | examined, evaluated, assessed, inspected, investigated, scrutinized | | cheese | pihalko | n | | | cheeses | pihalka | n | | | cheesy | pihalki | adj | | | chick | ma'apash | n | | | chicken | bahin | n | | | chickens | bahina | n | | | chicks | ma'apasha | n | | | chieftain | t'har | n | leader, commander, dictator, ruler, lord, boss | | chieftains | t'hara | n | leaders, commanders, dictators, rulers, lords, bosses | | child | ma | n | virgin, kid, youngster | | childish | ma'i | adj | | | children | ma'a | n | virgins, kids, youngsters | | chimer | yenamer | n | Changed Elf, Changed One, North Elf | Lit. "changed elf" | chimeri | yenameri | adj | | | choke | droqo | v | chokes, choking, strangle, strangles, strangling, smother, smothers, smothering, suffocate, suffocates, suffocating, stifle, stifles, stifling, strangulate, strangulates, strangulating, throttle, throttles, throttling | | choked | droqoka | v | strangled, smothered, suffocated, stifled, strangulated, throttled | | choking | droqi | adj | strangling, suffocating, stifling | | choking | droqona | n | strangling, smothering, strangulation | | chokings | droqona'a | n | stranglings, smotherings, strangulations | | chosen | qidri | adj | picked, selected | | circle | zrasha | n | | A circle | circle | zrashith | v | circles, circling | To circle | circled | zrashithka | v | | | circles | zrasha'a | n | | | cities | jhadata | n | | | city | jhadat | n | | | clan | shir | n | tribe | | clans | shira | n | tribes | | claw | khrass | n | talon | | clawless | khrassozay | adj | | | claws | khrassa | n | talons | | clay | thigul | n | | | clean | ikashith | v | cleans, cleaning, neaten, neatens, neatening | To clean | clean | ikasho | adj | neat, tidy | | cleaned | ikashithka | v | neatened, tidied | | climb | khipe | v | climbs, climbing, ascend, ascends, ascending, clamber, clambers, clambering | To climb, Lit. "go up" | climb | khipena | n | ascent | A climb | climbed | khipeka | v | ascended, clambered | | climbs | khipena'a | n | ascents | | close | tas | v | closes, closing, shut, shuts, shutting | | closed | taska | v | | | cloth | qami | n | fabric, textile | | clothe | kathith | v | clothes, clothing | | clothed | kathithka | v | | | clothes | katha | n | apparel, outfit, garments, garb, clothing | | cloths | qama | n | fabrics, textiles | | cloud | bulut | n | | | cloud | bulutith | v | clouds, clouding, obscure, obscuring, obscures, obfuscate, obfuscating, obfuscates | | clouded | bulutihka | v | obscured, obfuscated | | cloudless | bulutozay | adj | | | clouds | buluta | n | | | cloudy | buluti | adj | overcast | | coat | keshnip | n | jacket | A coat | coat | keshnipith | v | coats, coating | To coat | coated | keshnipithka | v | | | coats | keshnipa | n | jackets | | cold | dush | adj | | | colonel | kerna | n | | Borrowed word | colonels | kerna'a | n | | | color | kejra | n | | A color | color | kejrith | v | colors, coloring | To color | colored | kejrithka | v | | | colorful | kejri | adj | | | colorless | kejrozay | adj | | | colors | kejra'a | n | | | colt | ma'kafa | n | | | colts | ma'kafa'a | n | | | comb | sejika | n | brush | | comb | sejikith | v | combs, combing, brush, brushes, brushing | | combed | sejikithka | v | brushed | | combs | sejika | n | brushes | | come | kud | v | coming, comes | | comedian | fapiit | n | joker, jokester, comic, clown, jester | | comedians | fapiit | n | jokers, jokesters, comics, clowns, jesters | | comfort | kol | n | solace, ease, contentment, luxury | | comfort | kolith | v | comforts, comforting, console, consoles, consoling, hearten, heartens, heartening, reassure, reassures, reassuring | | comfortable | koli | adj | luxurious, cozy, pleasant | | comforted | kolithka | v | consoled, heartened, reassured | | comfortless | kolozay | adj | uncomfortable, unpleasant | | comforts | kola | n | luxuries | | common | tabi | adj | ordinary, usual, customary, regular, normal, standard, typical, unremarkable | | companies | sarika | n | businesses, guilds, organizations | | company | sarik | n | business, guild, organization | | complicate | sabith | v | perplex, confound, confuse | | complicated | sabithka | v | perplexed, confounded, confused | | concept | zrini | n | idea | | concepts | zrina | n | ideas | | concern | woori | v | concerns, concerning | To concern | concern | woorina | n | | A concern | concerned | woorika | v | | | concerns | woorina'a | n | | | conquerer | trajijazeriit | n | | | conquerers | trajijazeriit | n | | | consonant | khojso | n | | | consonants | khojsa | n | | | contract | rifti | n | agreement, bargain, pledge, understanding | | contracts | rifta | n | agreements, bargains, pledges, understandings | | contradict | vano | v | contradicts, contradicting, belie, belies, belyng, counter, counters, countering | | contradicted | vanoka | v | belied, countered | | convince | iqna | v | convinces, convincing, persuade, persuades, persuading, sway, sways, swaying, convert, converts, converting, coax, coaxes, coaxing | | convinced | iqnaka | v | persuaded, swayed, converted, coaxed | | convincing | iqni | adj | convincing, persuading, persuasive, swaying, coaxing, cogent | | cook | tajiit | n | chef | | cooks | tajiit | n | chefs | | cool | dushith | v | cools, cooling | To become colder | cool | ja'dush | adj | | | copper | omabi | n | | | coppers | omaba | n | | | coppery | omabi'i | adj | | | corn | marsho | n | | | corner | kojoz | n | | | corners | kojoza | n | | | corporal | korpo | n | | Borrowed word | corporals | korpa | n | | | could | dejka | v | | | couldn't | dejohka | v | | | count | okuvo | v | counts, counting, score, scores, scoring, tally, tallies, tallying | | count | okuvona | n | score, tally | | counted | okuvoka | v | | | countries | renada | n | kingdoms, realms | | country | renad | n | kingdom, realm | | counts | okuvona'a | n | scores, tallies | | course | draqo | n | path, way | | courses | draqa | n | paths, ways | | cousin | kimer | n | | | cousins | kimera | n | | | cow | mezub | n | bull | | coward | qojiit | n | wimp | | cowards | qojiit | n | wimps | | cows | mezuba | n | cattle, bulls | | cried | iboka | v | howled, lamented, sobbed | | cross | khivado | v | crosses, crossing | Lit. "go over" | crossed | khivadoka | v | | | crowd | jakakan | n | | A crowd | crowd | jakakanith | v | crowds, crowding | To crowd | crowded | jakakani | adj | | | crowds | jakakana | n | | | cry | ibo | v | cries, crying, howl, howls, howling, lament, laments, lamenting, sob, sobs, sobbing | | cuirass | shutedri | n | breastplate, bodyarmor, brigandine, hauberk | Lit. "body armor" | cuirasses | shutedra | n | breastplates, bodyarmors, brigandines, hauberks | | cup | pavuj | n | mug, stein, goblet, chalice | | cups | pavuja | n | mugs, steins, goblets, chalices | | curiosities | dosana'a | n | | | curiosity | dosana | n | | | curious | dosa | adj | inquisitive, interested | | curved | gasefi | adj | curvy | | cut | jeta | v | cuts, cutting, slice, slices, slicing, lacerate, lacerates, lacerating | | cut | jetaka | v | cut, sliced, lacerated | | cut | jetana | n | slice, laceration | | cuts | jetana'a | n | slices, laceration | | daedra | athranzoh | n | | Lit. "spirit ancestor not" | dance | zha'ja | n/v | dances, dancing | Irregular: "A dance" and "to dance" | danced | zha'jaka | v | | | dancer | zhajiit | n | | | dancers | zhajiit | n | | | dances | zha'ja'a | n | | | dark | mor | adj | | | darkness | morna | n | | | date | mosi | n | | Calendar date | daughter | tal | n | | | daughters | tala | n | | | dawn | srenaz | n | daybreak | | dawns | srenaza | n | | | day | pal | n | | | days | pala | n | | | dead | sallidad | adj | | | deaf | arozay | adj | | | deafness | arozayna | n | | | death | sallidadna | n | | | decade | deshivat | n | | | decades | deshivata | n | | | december | luksilla | n | Evening Star | Abbreviation: "Ls" | decide | qidra | v | decides, deciding, choose, chooses, choosing, determine, determines, determining, pick, picks, picking, select, selects, selecting | | decided | qidraka | v | chose, determined, picked, selected | | deep | duto | adj | | | defend | rasin | v | defends, defending, protect, protects, protecting, shield, shields, shielding, secure, secures, securing | | defended | rasinka | v | protected, guarded, shielded, secured | | defender | rasiniit | n | guard, protector | | defenders | rasiniit | n | guards, protectors | | defense | rasina | n | protection, security | | defenseless | rasinozay | adj | | | defenses | rasina'a | n | | | demand | talo | v | demands, demanding | | demanded | taloka | v | | | departure | gadana | n | farewell, exit | | departures | gadana'a | n | farewells, exits | | depth | dutona | n | | | desert | khaj | n | | Homonym of "sand" | deserts | khaja | n | | | deserty | khaji | adj | | | deserve | derabi | v | deserves, deserving | | deserved | derabika | v | | | desire | kasash | n | wish | | desires | kasasha | n | wishes | | despite | thzuvith | pr | | | diamond | alaran | n | | | diamonds | alarana | n | | | did | sajka | v | done | | die | sallidith | v | dies, dying, expire, expires, expiring, perish, perishes, perishing | | died | sallidithka | v | expired, perished | | different | tejo | adj | dissimilar, unalike, unlike, contrasting, disparate, distinctive | | difficult | saba | adj | hard, challenging, arduous, tough, laborious, complex, tricky, intricate | | difficulties | sabana'a | n | dilemmas, quandries, complications, predicaments, snags, intricacies, complexities | | difficulty | sabana | n | dilemma, quandry, complication, predicament, snag, intricacy, complexity | | dig | zrade | v | digs, digging | | dinner | toj'do | n | supper | | dinners | toj'do'a | n | suppers | | dirt | fiba | n | soil | | dirty | fibi | adj | soiled | | disappear | dekith | v | disappears, disappearing, vanish, vanishes, vanishing | | disappearance | dek | n | | | disappeared | dekithka | v | vanished | | discover | adrak | v | discovers, discovering | | discovered | adraka | v | | | discoveries | adrakna'a | n | | | discovery | adrakna | n | | | disease | skromu | n | sickness, pestilence, plague, virus, illness | | diseased | skromi | adj | | | diseases | skroma | n | sicknesses, pestilences, plagues, viruses, illnesses | | distance | valana | n | | | divorce | rejizevithoh | v | divorces, divorcing | | divorced | rejizevithohka | v | | | do | saj | v | does, doing | | doctor | danzaliit | n | physician, surgeon, medic | | doctors | danzaliit | n | physicians, surgeons, medics | | dog | rian | n | doggy | | doglike | riani | adj | canine | | dogs | riana | n | canines, doggies | | dominate | vadaj | v | dominates, dominating | | dominated | vadajka | v | | | domination | vadajna | n | | | donate | durrarriss | v | donates, donating | | donated | durrarrisska | v | | | door | bago | n | gate | | doors | baga | n | gates | | dot | puk | n | point, spot | | dots | puka | n | points, spots | | down | fema | adj/adv/pr/v | | | drank | tojaka | v | gulped, guzzled, swigged | | draw | pish | v | draws, drawing, sketch, sketches, sketching | | drawing | pishna | n | sketch | | drawings | pishna'a | n | sketches | | dream | aydith | v | dreams, dreaming, fantasize, fantasizes, fantasizing | | dream | aydo | n | fantasy | | dreamed | aydithka | v | dreamt, fantasized | | dreams | ayda | n | fantasies | | dreamy | aydi | adj | dreamlike, fantastic, fantastical | | dress | shuji | n | gown | | dresses | shuja | n | gowns | | drew | pishka | v | sketched | | drink | toja | v | drinks, drinking, gulp, gulps, gulping, guzzle, guzzles, guzzling, swig, swigs, swigging | | drug | raszai | n | | A drug, negative connotation, not used for medicine | drug | raszith | v | drugs, drugging | To drug, negative connotation, not used for medicine | drugs | raszai'a | n | | Negative connotation, not used for medicine | drum | barot | n | | A drum | drum | barotith | v | drums, drumming | To drum | drummed | barotithka | v | | | drums | barota | n | | | drunk | zrajiti | adj | intoxicated, inebriated, tipsy | | dry | sukha | adj | | | dryness | sukhana | n | | | dug | zradeka | v | | | dull | dran | adj | | | dull | dranith | v | dulls, dulling | To dull | dulled | dranithka | v | | | dunmer | mormer | n | | Lit. "Dark Elf" | dunmeri | mormeri | adj | | | during | tokono | pr | | Lit: "at time" | dusk | balis | n | | | dusks | balisa | n | | | dust | jiksho | n | | | dusty | jikshi | adj | | | dwemer | dutomer | n | dwarf | Lit. "Deep Elf" | dwemeri | dutomeri | adj | dwarven | | ear | liha | n | | | early | oon | n | | | earn | kaba | v | earns, earning, profit, profiting, profits | | earned | kabaka | v | profited | | earning | kabana | n | salary, wage, payment, compensation, profit | | earnings | kabana'a | n | salaries, wages, payments, compensations, profits | | ears | liha'a | n | | | east | obe | adj/adv/n | | | eat | rito | v | eats, eating, ingest, ingests, ingesting, consume, consumes, consuming | | echo | yadi | n | | | echo | yadith | v | echoes, echoing | | echoed | yadithka | v | | | echoes | yada | n | | | edge | jazrab | n | | | edges | jazraba | n | | | egg | oeva | n | | | eggs | oeva'a | n | | | eight | zi | n | | | eighth | zitu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | eighty | zide | n | | | either | vayma | adv/pr | | | elbow | maku | n | | | elbows | maka | n | | | eleventh | defatu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | empire | ri'renad | n | | | empires | ri'renada | n | | | empower | tarjith | v | empowers, empowering | | empowered | tarjithka | v | | | end | hano | v | ends, ending, complete, completing, completes, finish, finishing, finishes, conclude, concluding, concludes | | end | hanona | n | ending, completion, conclusion | | ended | hanoka | v | completed, finished, concluded | | endless | hanozay | adj | perpetual, eternal, unending, ceaseless, everlasting, interminable, incessant, infinite, boundless, limitless | | ends | hanona'a | n | endings, completions, conclusions | | enemies | akriit | n | adversaries, antagonists, opponents | | enemy | akriit | n | opposition, adversary, antagonist, opponent | | enjoy | kefa | v | enjoys, enjoying, like, likes, liking, relish, relishes, relishing, appreciate, appreciates, appreciating, fancy, fancies, fancying | | enjoyed | kefaka | v | liked, relished, appreciated, fancied | | enslave | ketith | v | enslaves, enslaving | | enslaved | ketithka | v | | | entirely | tsin'ri | adv | wholly, completely, totally, fully | | envied | yarithka | v | coveted | | envious | yari | adj | jealous, covetous | | envy | yara | n | jealousy | | envy | yarith | v | envies, envying, covet, covets, coveting | | era | drithzaed | n | | | eras | drithzaeda | n | | | escape | lhajiito | v | escapes, escaping, flee, flees, fleeing, retreat, retreats, retreating | | escaped | lhajiitoka | v | fled, retreated | | etiquette | esashi | n | decorum, protocol, manners | | even | hata | adv | | Emphasis word | even | utrith | v | evens, evening, level, levels, leveling, smooth, smooths, smoothing, balance, balances, balancing, equate, equates, equating | | even | utro | adj | level, smooth, regular, uniform, balanced, flush, equal | | evened | utrithka | v | leveled, smoothed, balanced, equated | | evening | salatenurr | n | dusk, twilight, nightfall, evenfall, eve | Lit. "luminous night" | evenings | salatenurra | n | | | evenness | utrona | n | levelness, smoothness, regularity, uniformity, balance, flushness, equality | | every | raj | adj | | | everything | skra'il | pn | | | evil | draj | n | | | evils | draja | n | | | examination | afona | n | evaluation, assessment, inspection, investigation | | examinations | afona'a | n | evaluations, assessments, inspections, investigations | | except | sik | cj/pr/v | | | excuse | wakay | n | | | excuses | wakay'a | n | | | expect | ikeno | v | expects, expecting, anticipate, anticipates, anticipating, foresee, foresees, foreseeing, presume, presumes, presuming | | expectation | ikenona | n | anticipation, presumption | | expectations | ikenona'a | n | anticipations, presumptions | | expected | ikenoka | v | anticipated, foresaw, presumed | | expensive | zabish | adj | costly, precious, valuable | | explain | vuro | v | explains, explaining, clarify, clarifies, clarifying, describe, describes, describing, expound, expounds, expounding | | explained | vuroka | v | clarified, described, expounded | | explanation | vurona | n | clarification, description | | explanations | vurona'a | n | clarifications, descriptions | | explode | pewapa | v | explodes, exploding | | exploded | pewapaka | v | | | explosion | pewapana | n | | | explosions | pewapana'a | n | | | eye | atha | n | | | eyeless | athozay | adj | | | eyes | atha'a | n | | | face | ifo | n | | | faceless | ifozay | adj | | | faces | ifa | n | | | fail | basar | v | fails, failing | | failed | basarka | v | | | failure | basarna | n | | | failures | basarna'a | n | | | fall | ranjith | v | falls, falling | | falmer | owazmer | n | Snow Elf | Lit. "Snow Elf" | falmeri | owazmeri | adj | | | false | suth | adj | fake, counterfeit, bogus, erroneous, fraudulent, inaccurate, invalid, illegitimate, untrue, unreal, incorrect, phony | | falsehood | suthna | n | deception, fabrication, fallacy, falsity, sham, inaccuracy, illegitimacy | | falsehoods | suthna'a | n | deceptions, fabrications, fallacies, falsities, shams, inaccuracies, illegitimacies | | families | epaka | n | | | family | epako | n | kin | | famous | epazi | adj | | | far | valah | adj/adv | distant | | farm | famad | n | | A farm | farm | famadith | v | farms, farming | To farm | farmer | famer | n | | | farmers | famera | n | | | farms | famada | n | | | fast | fede | adj | rapid, quick, speedy, swift | | fat | gamin | adj | obese, chubby, plump, overweight, heavy, corpulent, portly, rotund, pudgy | | fate | zisa | n | destiny | | fates | zisa'a | n | destinies | | father | ahnurr | n | dad | | fathers | ahnurra | n | dads | | fatness | gamina | n | obesity, chubbiness, pumpness, corpulence | | favor | gzonith | v | favors, favoring | | favor | gzono | n | | | favored | gzonithka | v | | | favors | gzona | n | | | fear | qoj | n | anxiety, dread, horror, panic, fright, terror | A fear | fear | qojith | v | fears, fearing, scare, scares, scaring, horrify, horrifies, horrifying, frighten, frightens, frightening, terrorize, terrorizes, terrorizing | To fear | feared | qojithka | v | scared, horrified, frightened, terrorized | | fearless | qojozay | adj | | | fears | qoja | n | anxieties, horrors, terrors | | feather | kruteso | n | | | feathers | krutesa | n | | | february | magru'srenaz | n | Sun's Dawn | Abbreviation: "Ms" | fed | giraka | v | | | feed | gira | v | feeds, feeding | | feel | nezal | v | | | feeling | nezalna | n | emotion | | feelings | nezalna'a | n | emotions | | feet | dhassa | n | | Body part | feet* | futa | n | | Measurement, borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | fell | ranjithka | v | | | felt | nezalka | v | | | festival | bay'arri | n | fair, carnival, celebration, fiesta, jamboree | | festivals | bay'arra | n | fairs, carnivals, celebrations, fiestas, jamborees | | feud | tuzdith | v | feuds, feuding, conflict, conflicts, conflicting, squabble, squabbles, squabbling, quarrel, quarrels, quarreling, dispute, disputes, disputing, disagree, disagrees, disagreeing | | feud | tuzdo | n | conflict, squabble, quarrel, dispute, disagreement | | feuded | tuzdithka | v | conflicted, squabbled, quarreled, disputed, disagreed | | feuds | tuzda | n | conflicts, squabbles, quarrels, disputes, disagreements | | fifth | vutu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | fifty | vude | n | | | fight | rak | v | fights, fighting, brawl, brawls, brawling, tussle, tussles, tussling | | fight | rakna | n | battle, brawl, tussle | | fights | rakna'a | n | battles, brawls, tussles | | find | tosuv | v | finds, finding | | finger | zedu | n | | | fingers | zeda | n | | | fire | ako | n | | | fires | aka | n | | | first | fatu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | fish | marha | n | | | fishes | marha'a | n | | | fishy | marhi | adj | | | five | vu | n | | | fix | eks | v | fixes, fixing, repair, repairs, repearing, correct, corrects, correcting, mend, mends, mending | | fixed | ekska | v | repaired, corrected, mended | | fixer | eksiit | n | repairer, mender | | fixers | eksiit | n | repairers, menders | | flat | metin | adj | | | flaw | truqo | n | error, blemish, fault, defect | | flawed | truqi | adj | blemished, defective, faulty | | flawless | truqozay | adj | errorless, faultless, spotless | | flaws | truqa | n | errors, blemishes, faults, defects | | fletcher | sahimiit | n | | | fletchers | sahimiit | n | | | flew | thoshka | v | | | flight | thoshna | n | | | flightless | thoshozay | adj | | | flights | thoshna'a | n | | | floor | jrobi | n | | | floors | jroba | n | | | flower | kalshan | n | | | flowers | kalshan | n | | | flute | mizam | n | | | flutes | mizama | n | | | fly | thosh | v | flies, flying | | foci | q'daina'a | n | | | focus | q'dai | v | focuses, focusing | | focus | q'daina | n | attention | | focused | q'daika | v | | | fog | badab | n | haze, mist | | foggy | badabi | adj | hazy, misty | | fogs | badaba | n | hazes, mists | | follow | mavos | v | follows, following, pursue, pursues, pursuing | | followed | mavoska | v | pursued | | follower | mavosiit | n | supporter | | followers | mavosiit | n | supporters | | food | taj | n | cuisine | | foods | taja | n | cuisines | | fool | thjiziit | n | | | foolish | thjiz | adj | | | fools | thjiziit | n | | | foot | dhass | n | | Body part | foot* | fut | n | | Measurement, borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | for | dorr | cj/pr | | | forbade | ramoka | v | prohibited, disallowed, banned, proscribed | | forbid | ramo | v | forbids, forbidding, prohibit, prohibits, prohibiting, disallow, disallows, disallowing, ban, bans, banning, proscribe, proscribes, proscribing | | forbidden | rami | adj | prohibited, disallowed, banned, proscribed | | force | zeri | n | | A force | force | zerith | v | forces, forcing | To force | forced | zerithka | v | | | forceful | zeri'i | adj | | | forces | zera | n | | | forest | vana | n | | | forested | vani | adj | | | forests | vana'a | n | | | forget | rajas | v | forgets, forgetting | | forgetful | rajasi | adj | | | forgot | rajaska | v | | | fork | suskre | n | | | forks | suskra | n | | | fort | krosho | n | castle, base, citadel, hold | | forts | krosha | n | castles, bases, citadels, holds | | fought | rakka | v | brawled, tussled | | found | baqu | adj | | | found | tosuvka | v | | | four | san | n | | | fourth | santu | n/adj/adv | | Ordinals: number +tu | fourty | sande | n | | | fox | juma | n | | | foxes | juma'a | n | | | foxy | jumi | adj | | | free | ravi | adj | | | free | ravith | v | frees, freeing, release, releases, releasing | To free | freed | ravithka | v | released | | freedom | rava | n | | | friday | marapal | n | fredas | Abbreviation: "mp" | friend | trevan | n | acquaintance, ally, associate, buddy, colleague, comrade | | friendless | trevanozay | adj | | | friendly | trevani | adj | | | friends | trevana | n | acquaintances, associates, buddies, colleagues, comrades | | from | +iitay | suf | | Ablative noun case suffix. Append to the noun it is associated with. e.g. "from Torval" is "Torvaliitay" | front | nik | n/adj | | | fruit | shobi | n | | | fruits | shoba | n | | | fruity | shobi'i | adj | | | fuck | zuub | v | | Often "zuub-zuub" or "zuub zuub" | fucked | zuubka | v | | | full | teko'i | adj | | | fun | pa | n/adj | entertaining | | fungi | sashkra | n | mushrooms | | fungus | sashkre | n | mushroom | | fur | sej | n | | | furies | ra'kuja | n | rages, outrages | | furious | ra'kuji | adj | furious | | furless | sejozay | adj | | | furry | seji | adj | | | furs | seja | n | | | fury | ra'kujo | n | rage, outrage | | future | musta | n/adj | forthcoming, later | Past/Present/Future | futures | musta'a | n | | | gallop | fekame | v | gallops, galloping | | galloped | fekameka | v | | | game | zhab | n | | | games | zhaba | n | | | garden | jana | n | | | gardens | jana'a | n | | | gave | danka | v | delivered, provided, bestowed, granted | | gem | shije | n | crystal, jewel, gemstone | | gems | shija | n | crystals, jewels, gemstones | | gender | afeto | n | | Boy/girl | genders | afeta | n | | | general | rak't'har | n | | Lit. "fighting leader" | generals | rak't'hara | n | | | gesture | mudra | n | signal | | gesture | mudrith | v | gestures, gesturing, signal, signals, signaling | | gestured | mudrithka | v | signaled | | gestures | mudra'a | n | signals | | get | yava | v | gets, getting, acquire, acquires, acquiring, obtain, obtains, obtaining, receive, receives, receiving, collect, collects, collecting | | gift | sarefi | n | present | | gifts | sarefa | n | presents | | girl | iiliten | n | | | girlfriend | aritrevan | n | | Gender neutral, Lit. "love friend" | girlfriends | aritrevana | n | | | girls | iilitena | n | | | girly | iiliteni | adj | girlish | | give | dan | v | gives, giving, deliver, delivers, delivering, provide, provides, providing, bestow, bestows, bestowing, grant, grants, granting | | glass | zukoa | n | | | glasses | zukoa'a | n | | | glories | hadal-ziira | n | honors, fames, prestiges | | glory | hadal-ziir | n | honor, fame, prestige | | glove | tenoqami | n | mitt, mitten | | gloves | tenoqama | n | mitts, mittens | | go | khi | v | goes, going, proceed, proceeds, proceeding | | goat | peko | n | | | goats | peka | n | | | god | alij | n | | | goddess | ro'alij | n | | | godless | alijozay | adj | | | godlike | aliji | n | | | gods | alija | n | | | gold | zivsho | n | | | golden | zivshi | adj | | | golds | zivsha | n | | | good | do | adj | | | got | yavaka | v | acquired, obtained, received, collected | | grain | bajush | n | | | grains | bajusha | n | | | grandchild | mama | n | | | grandchildren | mama'a | n | | | granddaughter | ma'tal | n | | | granddaughters | ma'tala | n | | | grandfather | dro'ahnurr | n | | | grandfathers | dro'ahnurra | n | | | grandmother | dra'fado | n | | | grandmothers | dra'fada | n | | | grandparent | sa'barun | n | | | grandparents | sa'baruna | n | | | grandson | ma'jor | n | | | grandsons | ma'jora | n | | | grape | vatovu | n | | | grapes | vatova | n | | | grass | shenjhihi | n | | | grasses | shenjhiha | n | | | gray | dugo | adj/n | | | grays | duga | n | | | green | hejta | adj/n | | | greens | hejta'a | n | | | greet | drasith | v | greets, greeting | | greeted | drasithka | v | | | grew | jrantithka | v | waxed, increased | | grin | krin | n | | A grin. Homonym of laugh. | grin | krinith | v | grins, grinning | To grin | grinned | krinithka | v | | | grins | krina | n | | | ground | jijri | n | | | grow | jrantith | v | grows, growing, wax, waxes, waxing, increase, increases, increasing | | growl | qrarr | v | growls, growling | To growl | growl | qrarrna | n | | A growl | growled | qrarrka | v | | | growls | qrarrna'a | n | | | guilt | morina | n | | | guilty | mori | adj | sinful, blameworthy, culpable | | had | rabeka | v | | "We/you/y'all/they had" Irregular verb | had | raber | v | | "I had", Irregular verb | had | rabera | v | | "He/she/it had", Irregular verb | hair | shabi | n | | | hairless | shabozay | adj | | | hairs | shaba | n | | | hairy | shabi'i | adj | | | half | aqo | n | | | hammer | takji | n | mallet | | hammer | takjith | v | hammers, hammering | | hammered | takjithka | v | | | hammers | takja | n | mallets | | hand | teno | n | paw | | hands | tena | n | paws | | handsome | raijo | adj | | | handsomeness | raijona | n | | | hang | foha | v | hangs, hanging | | happiness | karana | n | joy, cheer, mirth | | happy | kara | adj | joyful, joyous, cheerful, mirthful, glad | | hard | katro | adj | solid, tough, firm | | hardly | bishi | adv | scarcely, barely | | hardness | katrona | n | solidity, toughness, firmness | | harem | vuzmipatan | n | | | harems | vuzmipatana | n | | | harvest | husha | n | | A harvest | harvest | hushith | v | harvests, harvesting | To harvest | harvested | hushithka | v | | | harvests | husha'a | n | | | has | rabiba | v | having, possess, possesses, possessing | "He/she/it has", Irregular verb | haste | fifeh'raina | n | speed | | hat | srato | n | cap, helmet | | hatchet | ja'balto | n | | | hatchets | ja'balta | n | | | hate | yath | v | hates, hating, loathe, loathes, loathing, abhor, abhors, abhorring, despise, despises, despising, detest, detests, detesting | | hated | yathka | v | loathed, abhorred, despised, detested | | hateful | yathi | adj | abhorrent, despicable, detestable | | hatred | yathna | n | enmity, disdain, animosity, loathing | | hats | srata | n | caps, helmets | | have | raba | v | having, possess, possesses, possessing | "We/you/y'all/they have", Irregular verb | have | rabi | v | having, possess, possesses, possessing | "I have", Irregular verb | hawk | korotho | n | falcon, eagle | | hawks | korotha | n | falcons, eagles | | he | jan | pn | | | he's | jaba | cont | | | head | baze | n | | | headless | bazozay | adj | | | heads | baza | n | | | heal | zalith | v | heals, healing, recover, recovers, recovering | | healed | zalithka | v | recovered | | healer | zalrishajiit | n | shaman, mender | | healers | zalrishajiit | n | shamans, menders | | health | zal | n | | | healthiness | zalina | n | | | healthy | zali | adj | | | hear | aro | v | hears, hearing | | heard | aroka | v | | | hearing | arona | n | | Ability to hear, not present participle of "to hear" | heart | sunej | n | | Literal heart | heart* | khunu'tu | n | | Metaphorical heart | heartless | sunejozay | adj | | | hearts | suneja | n | | | heat | fithith | v | heats, heating | To heat | heated | fithithka | v | | | heavy | hokoh | adj | | | height | alina | n | | | held | shotaka | v | contained | | hello | dras'kay | exc | greetings, salutations | | help | zatay | v | helps, helping, assist, assists, assisting, aid, aids, aiding | | help | zatayna | n | assistance, aid | | helped | zatayka | v | assisted, aided | | helper | zatiit | n | assister, aider | | helpers | zatiit | n | assisters, aiders | | her | roj | pn | | | here | etofor | adv | | | heretic | suthiit | n | infidel, heathen, misbeliever, blasphemer | | heretics | suthiit | n | infidels, heathens, misbelievers, blasphemers | | hermaeus | hermorah | n | | Hermorah is the Khajiiti name for Hermaeus Mora | hers | roj | pn | | | herself | rojno | pn | | | hexagon | shoseve | n | | | hexagons | shoseva | n | | | hi | dras | exc | hi, howdy, yo | | high | ali | adj | | | hill | ja'khedun | n | | | hills | ja'kheduna | n | | | him | jan | pn | | | himself | janno | pn | | | his | jan | pn | | | hiss | fassaa | v | hisses, hissing | | hissed | fassaaka | v | | | histories | madipurna'a | n | | | history | madipurna | n | | | hold | shota | v | holds, holding, contain, contains, containing | | hole | basit | n | | | holes | basita | n | | | hollow | juna | adj | empty, void, unfilled, vacant | | home | pana | n | | | homeless | panozay | adj | | | homes | pana'a | n | | | honey | kirma | n | | | honeys | kirma'a | n | | | honor | zeto | n | | | honorable | zeti | adj | | | honorless | zetozay | adj | | | honors | zeta | n | | | horse | kafa | n | stallion, mare, gelding | | horses | kafa'a | n | stallions, mares, geldings | | hot | fith | adj | | | hour | viha | n | | | hours | viha'a | n | | | house | paj | n | shelter | A house | house | pajith | v | houses, housing, shelter, shelters, sheltering | To house | housed | pajithka | v | sheltered | | houses | paja | n | shelters | | how | rik | adv/cj/n | | | hug | ujith | v | hugs, hugging, embrace, embraces, embracing, squeeze, squeezes, squeezing | To hug | hug | ujo | n | | A hug | huge | iya | adj | great, giant, immense, vast, enormous, massive | | hugeness | iyana | n | greatness, magnitude, immensity, vastness, enormity, massiveness | | hugged | ujithka | v | embraced, squeezed | | hugs | uja | n | | | humor | fapa | n | wit, wits, mirth | | humor | fapith | v | humors, humoring | | humored | fapithka | v | | | humorless | fapozay | adj | mirthless | | humorous | fapi | adj | funny, amusing, hilarious, jocular, comical, witty | | hundred | janto | n | | | hundreds | janta | n | | | hung | fohaka | v | | | hunger | droba | n | | | hungry | drobi | adj | | | hunt | hirsinith | v | hunts, hunting, track, tracks, tracking | | hunted | hirsinithka | v | tracked | | hunter | hirsiniit | n | tracker | | hunters | hirsiniit | n | trackers | | hurricane | ra'torfo | n | gale, typhoon, tornado | | hurricanes | ra'torfa | n | gales, typhoons, tornados | | hurried | fifeh'raika | v | hastened, hustled | | hurry | fifeh'rai | v | hurries, hurrying, hasten, hastens, hastening, hustle, hustles, hustling | | husband | tot | n | | | husbands | tota | n | | | hut | ja'paj | n | | | huts | ja'paja | n | | | i | ahziss | pn | | | I'm | ziba | cont | | | ice | kria | n | | | ices | kria'a | n | | | idiot | wafiit | n | moron | | idiots | wafiit | n | morons | | if | ike | cj | | | image | watifad | n | | | images | watifada | n | | | imperial | imperial | n | | | importance | irotna | n | | | important | irot | adj | | | impossibilities | hodohna'a | n | unachievabilities, unattainabilities, infeasibilities, absurdities, futilities, insurmountabilities | | impossibility | hodohna | n | unachievability, unattainability, infeasibility, absurdity, futility, insurmountability | | impossible | hodoh | adj | unachievable, unattainable, infeasible, absurd, futile, insurmountable | | in | shabar | adj/adv/pr | into | | incense | gatay | n | perfume | | incenses | gatay'a | n | perfumes | | inch | ins | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | inches | insa | n | | | infuriate | ra'kujith | v | infuriates, infuriating, enrage, enrages, enraging | | infuriated | ra'kujithka | v | enraged | | infuriating | ra'kuji | adj | outraging | | injure | jur | v | injures, injuring, hurt, hurts, hurting, harm, harms, harming, wound, wounds, wounding | | injured | jurka | v | hurt, harmed, wounded | | injuries | domjha'a | n | wounds | | injuries | jurna'a | n | harms, wounds | | injury | domjha | n | wound | | injury | jurna | n | harm, wound | | inn | ikepa | n | | | innocence | banina | n | | | innocent | bani | adj | blameless, guiltless | | inns | ikepa'a | n | | | insane | sheggorri | adj | crazy, mad | | insanity | sheggorr | n | craziness, madness | | insect | ma'jot | n | bug | | insects | ma'jota | n | bugs | | inside | shaseve | pr/adv/adj/n | | | interrupt | qato | v | interrupts, interrupting, pause, pauses, pausing, suspend, suspending, suspends | | interrupted | qatoka | v | paused, suspended | | interruption | qatona | n | pause, suspension | | interruptions | qtona'a | n | pauses, suspensions | | invest | shabaja | v | invests, investing, fund, funds, funding, finance, finances, financing, subsidize, subsidizes, subsidizing, bankroll, bankrolls, bankrolling, underwrite, underwrites, underwriting | | invested | shabajaka | v | funded, financed, subsidized, bankrolled, underwrote | | investment | shabajana | n | | | investments | shabajana'a | n | | | iron | hara | n | | | is | vaba | v | | "He/she/it is", Irregular verb | is not | naba | v | isn't | "He/she/it is not", Irregular verb | island | tomir | n | | | islands | tomira | n | | | it | dat | pn | | | it's | daba | cont | | | its | dat | pn | | | itself | dat'no | pn | | | january | oonsilla | n | Morning Star | Abbreviation: "Os" | jewelry | jelwi | n | | | jewelry | shushije | n | | | job | zrishna | n | task, assignment, duty, responsibility, project | | jobless | zrishozay | adj | unemployed | | jobs | zrishna'a | n | tasks, assignments, duties, responsibilities, projects | | jode | zennji | n | masser | | jone | zennrili | n | secunda | | journey | khisrith | v | journies, journying, adventure, adventures, adventuring, quest, quests, questing, voyage, voyages, voyaging, trek, treks, trekking | | journey | khisro | n | adventure, quest, voyage, trek, expedition, excursion, mission, trip, outing | | journied | khisrithka | v | adventured, quested, voyaged, trekked | | journies | khisra | n | adventures, quests, voyages, treks, expeditions, excursions, missions, trips, outings | | juice | sronup | n | nectar | A juice | juice | sronupith | v | juices, juicing | To juice | juices | sronupa | n | nectars | | july | magrus'ali'i | n | Sun's Height | Abbreviation: "Ma" | jump | jape | v | jumps, jumping, spring, springs, springing, hop, hops, hopping | To jump | jump | japena | n | | A jump | jumped | japeka | v | sprang, hopped | | june | kumashivat | n | Mid Year | Abbreviation: "Kv" | just | deje | adv | merely, only, simply, purely | | justice | utrokuvona | n | fairness, vindication | | justices | utrokuvona'a | n | fairnesses, vindications | | justified | utrokuvoka | v | vindicated | | justify | utrokuvo | v | justifies, justifying, vindicate, vindicates, vindicating | | keep | sri | v | keeps, keeping, retain, retains, retaining | | kept | srika | v | retained | | key | ziwo | n | | | keys | ziwa | n | | | kill | var dar | v | kills, killing, murder, murders, murdering, slay, slays, slaying | Lit. "sugar/life steal" | killed | var darka | v | murdered, slayed | | killer | vardariit | n | murderer, slayer | | killers | vardariit | n | murderers, slayers | | kind | darr | n | type, category, variety | | kindness | eshona | n | | | king | aran | n | | | kings | arana | n | | | kiss | liski | v | kisses, kissing | To kiss | kiss | liskina | n | | A kiss | kissed | liskika | v | | | kisses | liskina'a | n | | | kitchen | tajvos | n | galley | | kitchens | tajvosa | n | galleys | | kitten | ja'khajiit | n | | Khajiiti kitten | kitten | ja'qara | n | kitty, cub | Specifically non-khajiit, but can be used to refer to khajiit in a more casual/derogatory fashion | kittens | ja'khajiit | n | | | kittens | ja'qara'a | n | kitties, cubs | | knee | hotho | n | | | knees | hotha | n | | | knew | korka | v | | | knife | ketud | n | | | knight | pelin | n | cavalier, champion, chevalier, horseman, paladin | | knights | pelina | n | cavaliers, champions, chevaliers, horsemen, paladins | | knives | ketuda | n | | | know | kor | v | knows, knowing, understand, understands, understanding | | knowledge | korna | n | information, wisdom, expertise, insight, philosophy, lesson | | kynareth | khenarthi | n | | Khenarthi is the Khajiiti name for Kynareth | laid | pefoka | v | | Past tense of lay | lake | lesoge | n | | | lakes | lesoga | n | | | lamb | ma'jekos | n | | | lambs | ma'jekosa | n | | | land | oro | n | territory | | lands | ora | n | territories | | large | jaga | adj | big | | last | zedro | adj/adv/n | | | late | luk | adj/adv/n | | | laugh | krin | n | | A laugh. Homonym of grin. | laugh | krinith | v | laughs, laughing | To laugh | laughed | krinithka | v | | | laughs | krina | n | | | law | laa | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | laws | laa'a | n | | | lawyer | aliit | n | | Irregular | lawyers | aliit | n | | Irregular | lay | lurmaka | v | | Past tense of lie(position) | lay | pefo | v | lays, laying | To put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down. Not paste tense of lie(position) | lead | t'harith | v | leads, leading, rule, rules, ruling, command, commands, commanding, guide, guides, guiding, direct, directs, directing | | lead | t'harithka | v | ruled, commanded, guided, directed | | leaf | ayzru | n | | | learn | dela | v | learns, learning, study, studies, studying | | learned | delaka | v | studied | | least | esato | adj/adv | | Used for all comparative adjectives (e.g. tall, least tall) | leave | gada | v | leaving, leaves, depart, departs, departing, quit, quits, quitting, exit, exits, exiting | | leaves | ayzra | n | | | left | gadaka | v | departed, quit, exited | | left | nuruj | adj/adv/n | | Left/Right | leg | thas | n | | | legs | thasa | n | | | lemon | wize | n | | | lemons | wiza | n | | | length | sutana | n | | | less | eso | adj/adv | | Used for all superlative adjectives (e.g. tall, less tall) | letter | mino | n | note, missive | Not alphabet letters | letter | mirese | n | | Part of the alphabet | letters | mina | n | notes, missives | Not alphabet letters | letters | miresa | n | | Part of the alphabet | libraries | jabopaja | n | | | library | jabopaj | n | | | lick | reli | n | | | lick | relith | v | licks, licking | | licked | relithka | v | | | licks | rela | n | | | lie | lurma | v | lies, lying | To be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position | lie | yosh | n | fib, deception | A lie/fib | lie | yoshith | v | lies, lying, fib, fibs, fibbing, deceive, deceives, deceiving | To lie/fib | lied | yoshithka | v | fibbed, deceived | Past tense of lie(fib) | lies | yosha | n | fibs, deceptions | | lieutenant | lutet | n | | Borrowed word | lieutenants | luteta | n | | | life | vijah | n | | The proper word for "life" | life* | var | n | | "Var" as life is a non-literal term, though commonly used | lifeless | vijozay | adj | | | lift | feta | v | lifts, lifting, raise, raises, raising | | lifted | fetaka | v | raised | | light | aqir | adj | lightweight | Light/Heavy | light | luz | adj/n | | Normal light (e.g. torchlight) | light* | siir | adj/n | | Heavenly light (e.g. moonlight) | lightless | luzozay | adj | | | lightless* | siirozay | adj | | | lightning | gasiiq | n | | | like | ifu | adj/adv/cj/pr | similar | Similarity, not enjoyment (see enjoy) | likeness | ifuna | n | similarity, resemblance, semblance | | likenesses | ifuna'a | n | similarities, resemblances, semblances | | line | ujki | n | row, column | | lines | uhka | n | rows, columns | | lip | trisa | n | | | lips | trisa'a | n | | | list | taash | n | | | list | taashith | v | lists, listing | | listed | taashithka | v | | | listen | arota | v | listens, listening | | listened | arotaka | v | | | lists | taasha | n | | | live | var | v | lives, living | | lived | varka | v | | | lives | vara | n | | | location | tele | n | place | | locations | tela | n | places | | lock | kurodat | n | | | locks | kurodata | n | | | loneliness | fanona | n | lonesomeness, solitude, isolation | | long | suta | adj | | | loose | slesan | adj | | | lorkhaj | zhubhal'jay | n | ghost moon | "Ghost Moon" is an altername name for Lorkhaj | lorkhan | lorkhaj | n | | Lorkhaj is the Khajiiti name for Lorkhan | lose | vitu | v | loses, losing | | loss | vituna | n | | | losses | vituna'a | n | | | lost | viti | adj | | Being lost | lost | vituka | v | | Past tense of lose | loud | da'ij | adj | noisy | | loudness | da'ijna | n | noise, din | | love | ari | v | loves, loving | To love | love | arina | n | romance | Love | loved | arika | v | | | loveless | arozay | adj | | | lover | ariit | n | | | lovers | ariit | n | | | lovey | ari'i | adj | loving | | low | bushai | adj | | | loyal | sadi | adj | faithful, staunch, steadfast, constant, reliable, dependable | | loyalties | sadina'a | n | constancies, reliabilities, dependabilities | | loyalty | sadina | n | faithfulness, staunchness, steadfastness, constancy, reliability, dependability | | luck | sharra | n | fortune | | lucky | sharri | adj | fortunate | | luminous | sala | adj | radiant, dazzling | | lunch | sotsha | n | | | lunches | sotsha'a | n | | | lute | awad | n | guitar | | lutes | awada | n | guitars | | lyre | qithar | n | harp | | lyres | qithara | n | harps | | mace | rak'takji | n | | Lit. "fight hammer" | maces | rak'takja | n | | | made | raska | v | created, crafted | | mage | rishajiit | n | wizard, sorcerer | | mages | rishajiit | n | wizards, sorcerers | | magicka | rishaj | n | magic | | magickal | rishaji | adj | magical | | magnus | magrus | n | | Magrus is the Khajiiti name for Magnus | major | majo | n | | Borrowed word | majors | maja | n | | | make | ras | v | makes, making, create, creates, creating, craft, crafts, crafting | | man | ariit | n | guy, male | Irregular | manage | ete | v | manages, managing, administer, administers, administering, direct, directs, directing, control, controls, controlling, guide, guides, guiding, lead, leads, leading | | managed | eteka | v | administered, directed, controlled, guided, led | | manager | etiit | n | administrator, director, guided | | managers | etiit | n | administrators, directors | | mane | rid-t'har | n | | The Mane | manly | ariiti | adj | masculine | | many | na | adj/det/pn | much, numerous | | maormer | marrmer | n | Sea Elf | Lit. "Sea Elf" | maormeri | marrmeri | adj | | | map | jindu | n | | | maps | jinda | n | | | march | fatu'sekil | n | First Seed | Abbreviation: "Fs" | market | shothi | n | bazaar, marketplace | | markets | shotha | n | bazaars, marketplaces | | marriage | rejizeva'a | n | wedding | Lit. "tie tails" | married | rejizevithka | v | | | marry | rejizevith | v | marries, marrying | Lit. "to tie-tails" | martyr | ri'sallidad | n | | Most-honored dead. | martyrs | ri'sallidada | n | | | massacre | iyavardar | n | slaughter | | massacres | iyavardara | n | slaughters | | master | vadajiit | n | mistress | | masters | vadajiit | n | mistresses | | mate | zuusha | v | mates, mating, breed, breeds, breeding, fornicate, fornicates, fornicating, copulate, copulates, copulating | | mated | zuushaka | v | bred, forincated, fucked, copulated | | material | batirbo | n | | | materials | batirba | n | | | may | kiz | v | | Used for expressing possibility, permission, and hope | may(month) | kotu'sekil | n | Second Seed | Abbreviation: "Ks" | maybe | kiva | adv | perhaps, perchance, possibly | | me | ahziss | pn | | | mead | kirmavato | n | | | meads | kirmavata | n | | | meal | wajo | n | banquet, feast | | meals | waja | n | banquets, feasts | | mean | damith | v | means, meaning, represent, represents, representing, intend, intends, intending, signify, signifies, signifying, imply, implies, implying | | mean | rhogur | adj | cruel, spiteful | | meaning | dama | n | purpose, substance, significance, representation, intent, intention, implication | | meaningful | wodama | adj | purposeful, substantial, significant | | meanings | dama'a | n | purposes, substances, significances, representations, intents, intentions, implications | | meanness | rhogurna | n | cruelty, spite | | meant | damithka | v | represented, intended, signified, implied | | meat | jeke | n | flesh | | meats | jeka | n | | | meaty | jeki | adj | | | medicine | alkalai | n | remedy | | medicines | alkalai'a | n | remedies | | meet | yato | v | meets, meeting | To meet | meeting | yatona | n | | A meeting | meetings | yatona'a | n | | | mehrunes | merrunz | n | | Merrunz is the Khajiiti name for Mehrunes Dagon | melt | hetu | v | melts, melting | | melted | hetuka | v | | | men | ariit | n | guys, males | | mention | bek | v | mentions, mentioning | | mentioned | bekka | v | | | meow | mio | v | meows, meowing | | meowed | mioka | v | | | mephala | mafala | n | | Mafala is the Khajiiti name for Mephala | mercenaries | jihatta | n | sellswords | | mercenary | jihatt | n | sellsword | | merchant | bajiit | n | shopkeep, shopkeeper, seller, broker, dealer, trader, vendor | | merchants | bajiit | n | shopkeeps, shopkeepers, sellers, brokers, dealers, traders, vendors | | mercy | dalaa | n | | | met | yatoka | v | | | metal | drelka | n | | | metallic | drelki | adj | | | metals | drelka'a | n | | | mice | mibeka | n | rats | | middle | kuma | adj/n | | | midnight | kumatenurr | n | | | might | kizka | v | | | milk | jimetith | v | milks, milking | To milk | milk | jimetu | n | | The drink | milk-drinker | jimetiit | n | | | milked | jimetithka | v | | | milky | jimeti | adj | | | millennia | keleshivata | n | | | millennium | keleshivat | n | | | million | kelemep | n | | | millions | kelemepa | n | | | mine | ahziss | pn | | | minute | wake | n | | | minutes | waka | n | | | mix | womike | v | mixes, mixing | | mixed | womikeka | v | | | moment | wakai | n | | | moments | wakai'a | n | | | monarch | aa'aran | n | | | monarchies | aa'aranana'a | n | | | monarchs | aa'arana | n | | | monarchy | aa'aranana | n | | | monday | kha'jaypal | n | morndas | Abbreviation: "kp" | money | jah | n | coin, cash, payment, funds | | moneyless | jahozay | adj | penniless, broke, destitute | | month | monkat | n | | | months | monkata | n | | | moon | kha'jay | n | | | moons | kha'jay | n | | | more | saa | adv | | Used for all comparative adjectives (e.g. tall, more tall), comparative not formed with suffix (+er) | morning | oonpal | n | | | mornings | oonpala | n | | | most | jai | adv | | Used for all superlative adjectives (e.g. tall, most tall), superlative not formed with suffix (+est) | mother | fado | n | mom | | mothers | fada | n | moms | | motionless | hai'ozay | adj | immobile, innert, paralyzed | | motivate | dahai | v | motivates, motivating, encourage, encourages, encouraging, prompt, prompts, prompting, inspire, inspires, inspiring, spur, spurs, spurring, urge, urges, urging | Lit. "give movement" | motivated | dahaika | v | encouraged, prompted, inspired, spurred, urged | | motivation | dahaina | n | encouragement, inspiration, urge | | motivations | dahaina'a | n | encouragements, inspirations, urges | | mountain | khedun | n | | | mountains | kheduna | n | | | mouse | mibek | n | rat | | mouth | boqi | n | maw | | mouths | boqa | n | maws | | move | haith | v | moves, moving, act, acts, acting, maneuver, maneuvers, maneuvering | | moved | haithka | v | acted, maneuvered | | movement | hai | n | motion, activity, action, move | | movements | hai'a | n | motions, activities, actions, moves | | mud | divifiba | n | | Lit. "wet dirt" | muds | divifiba'a | n | | | music | kathil | n | | | musical | kathili | adj | | | must | yuj | v | | | must | yujna | n | necessity, obligation, requirement, requesite, prerequesite | | musts | yujna'a | n | necessities, obligations, requirements, requesites, prerequesites | | muzzle | malerdo | n | | | muzzles | malerda | n | | | my | ahziss | pn | | | myself | no | pn | | | name | hasaa | v | names, naming, identify, identifies, identifying, designate, designates, designating | To name; the noun "name" has a different root (nak) | name | nak | n | | A name; the verb "to name" has a different root (hasaa) | named | hasaaka | v | identified, designated | To name; the noun "name" has a different root (nak) | nameless | nakozay | adj | | | names | naka | n | | | narrow | fowe | adj | thin | | nature | o'hama | n | | | near | kranaj | adj/adv/pr/v | | | necessity | maaszi | n | | | neck | gith | n | throat | | necks | githa | n | throats | | need | deqe | v | needs, needing, require, requires, requiring | | need | deqena | n | requirement, necessity | | needed | deqeka | v | required | | needle | zenabi | n | | | needles | zenaba | n | | | needs | deqena'a | n | requirements, necessities | | neighbor | sevepajiit | n | | Lit. "one who side houses" | neighborly | sevepajiiti | adj | | | neighbors | sevepajiit | n | | | neither | vaymoh | adv/det/pn | | | nephew | redu | n | | | nephews | reda | n | | | nest | esh | n | den, lair, roost | | nest | eshith | v | nests, nesting, roost, roosts, roosting | | nested | eshithka | v | roosted | | nests | esha | n | dens, lairs, roosts | | never | dov'kono | adv | | Lit. "No time" | new | ifa | adj | | | nice | esho | adj | kind | | niece | lisho | n | | | nieces | lisha | n | | | night | tenurr | n | | | nights | tenurra | n | | | nine | vir | n | | | nineth | virtu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | ninety | virde | n | | | no | dov | adv/n | | | nobody | dovahz | n/pn | noone | Lit. "no person" | noon | kumapal | n | | | nord | tasmiit | n | | Lit. "Norther" | north | tasmi | adj/adv/n | | | nose | betha | n | | | noses | betha'a | n | | | not | +oh | suf | | Verb negation suffix. Append to the verb to be negated. e.g. "I make bread" is "Ahziss ras barij", "I don't make bread" is "Ahziss rasoh barij" | nothing | zwonil | adj/adv/pn | | | november | magrus'balis | n | Sun's Dusk | Abbreviation: "Mb" | now | dal | adv | present, current | | number | vevmo | n | | | numbers | vevma | n | | | ocean | nirnimarr | n | | Lit. "world sea" | oceanic | nirnimarri | adj | | | oceans | nirnimarra | n | | | octagon | ziseve | n | | | octagons | ziseva | n | | | october | owaz'ranj | n | Frost Fall | Abbreviation: "Or" | of | di | pr | | | off | izra | adj/adv/pr | | | offer | idra | v | offers, offering, proffer, proffers, proffering, present, presents, presenting | | offer | idrana | n | offering, present | | offered | idraka | v | proffered, presented | | offers | idrana'a | n | offerings, presents | | office | zavahit | n | | | officer | trovisiit | n | | | officers | trovisiit | n | | | offices | zavahita | n | | | oil | dojne | n | | The substance | oil | dojnith | v | oils, oiling | To oil | oily | dojni | adj | | | okay | shesko | adj | adequate, fine, sufficient, satisfactory, passable, acceptable, tolerable, enough, decent, suitable, ok | | old | tarmo | adj | | | on | iso | adv/pr | upon, onto | Homonym of "short" | one | fa | n | | | open | bago | v | opens, opening | To open | opening | bagona | n | | An opening | opposite | uthevi | adj/adv/n/pr | | | or | yo | cj | | | orange | gijre | n | | Fruit | orange | rovaj | n/adj | | Color | order | trovise | n | rank | | organ | balej | n | | | organs | baleja | n | guts, viscera, innards, insides, entrails | | orsimer | drelkamer | n | orc | Lit. "Metal Elf" | orsimeri | drelkameri | adj | orcish | | other | vago | adj/pr | | | others | vaga | adj/pr | | | ounce | onz | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | ounces | onza | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | our | ahzirr | pn | | | ours | ahzirr | pn | | | ourselves | ahzirrno | pn | ourself | | out | ov | pr | | | outside | ovseve | pr | | | outsider | oviit | n | foreigner, stranger | | outsiders | oviit | n | foreigners, strangers | | over | vado | pr | above | | owe | velk | v | owes, owing | | owed | velkka | v | | | own | wata | v | owns, owning | | owned | wataka | v | | | ownings | watana | n | possessions, belongings, property | Irregular | page | khapa | n | | | pages | khapa'a | n | | | paid | bavtoka | v | payed | | pain | ransej | n | | | painful | ranseji | adj | | | painless | ransejozay | adj | | | pains | ranseja | n | | | paint | putuj | n | | A paint | paint | putujith | n | | To paint | painted | putujithka | n | | | painter | putujiit | n | | | painters | putujiit | n | | | paints | putuja | n | | | palace | tarjipaj | n | | Lit. "power house" | palaces | tarjipaja | n | | | pants | kraho | n | leggings | | paper | shen | n | parchment, sheet | | papers | shena | n | parchments, sheets | | paradise | llesw'er | n | heaven, sands beyond the stars | | paramour | walami | n | mistress, lover, fling | A temporary romantic partner | paramours | walama | n | mistresses, lovers, flings | | parent | barun | n | | | parents | baruna | n | | | part | trun | n | piece, portion, bit | | partner | mahazi | n | boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart, concubine | A committed romantic partner | partners | mahaza | n | boyfriends, girlfriends, sweethearts, concubines | | parts | truna | n | pieces, portions, bits | | pass | labak | v | passes, passing | To pass | pass | labakna | n | | A pass | passage | avek | n | | | passages | aveka | n | | | passed | labakka | v | | | past | madi | n/adj | former, previous | Past/Present/Future | pasts | mada | n | | | patient | skrunariit | n | | One who is sick | patients | skrunariit | n | | | pattern | sanvaga | n | | | patterns | sanvaga'a | n | | | pay | bavto | v | pays, paying | | peace | santi | n | | | peaceful | santi'i | adj | | | peel | qashar | v | peels, peeling, skin, skinning, skins, flay, flaying, flays, strip, strips, stripping, scalp, scalps, scalping | To remove the outer part | peeled | qasharka | v | skinned, flayed, stripped, scalped | | pellitinan | pa'alatiini | adj | | Something characteristic of Pellitine | pellitinan | pa'alatiiniitay | n | | A person from Pellitine | pellitine | pa'alatiin | n | | | pen | durrarr | n | quill | | pens | durrarra | n | quills | | pentagon | vuseve | n | | | pentagons | vuseva | n | | | people | iss | n | | Specifically the Khajiiti people | peoples | issa | n | | | person | ahz | n | individual | "One" in the sense of a person vs. the number 1 | persons | ahza | n | individuals | | phallic | tani | adj | | | phallus | tano | n | penis, dick | | phalluses | tana | n | phalli, penises, dicks | | pig | pograt | n | sow, hog, boar | | piglet | ma'pograt | n | | | pigs | pograta | n | sows, hogs, boars | | pillow | saiso | n | cushion, pad | | pillows | saisa | n | cushions, pads | | pirate | marrenrij | n | buccaneer | Lit. "sea bandit" | pirate | marrenrija | n | buccaneers | | plan | naqith | v | plans, planning, scheme, schemes, scheming, design, designs, designing, plot, plots, plotting, strategize, strategizes, strategizing | | plan | naqo | n | scheme, design, plot, strategy | | planned | naqithka | v | schemed, designed, plotted, strategized | | plans | naqa | n | schemes, designs, plots, strategies | | plant | shan | n | | | plants | shana | n | | | plate | sham | n | platter | | plates | shama | n | platters | | play | ketra | v | plays, playing | | played | ketraka | v | | | playful | ketri | adj | | | please | afa | adv/v | pleases, pleasing | | pleased | afaka | v | | | pleasurable | vuzmi'i | adj | enjoyable, gratifying | | pleasure | vuzmi | n | enjoyment, gratification | | pleasureless | vuzmozay | adj | | | pleasures | vuzma | n | | | plight | iyamusha | n | ordeal, quandary, predicament, dilemma, tribulation | | plights | iyamusha'a | n | ordeals, quandaries, predicaments, dilemmas, tribulations | | point | visu | | barb, thorn, spine, needle | | points | visa | | barbs, thorns, spines, needles | | pointy | visi | | pointed, barbed, thorny, thorned, spiny, spined | | poison | gurosh | n | toxin, venom | A poison | poison | guroshith | v | poisons, poisoning | To poison | poisoned | guroshithka | v | | | poisons | gurosha | n | toxins, venoms | | poor | po | adj | | | pork | ba'uho | n | | | port | teport | n | | | ports | teporta | n | | | possibilities | hodina'a | n | achievabilities, attainabilities, feasibilities, viabilities | | possibilities | kivana'a | n | probabilities, prospects | | possibility | kivana | n | likelihood, probability, prospect | | possibilty | hodina | n | achievability, attainability, feasibility, viability | | possible | hodi | adj | achievable, attainable, feasible, viable | | pot | uwo | n | urn, vase, tub, jar, jug | | pots | uwa | n | urns, vases, tubs, jars, jugs | | pound | pond | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | pounds | ponda | n | | | pour | ethaj | v | pours, pouring | | poured | ethajka | v | | | power | tarj | n | | | powerful | tarji | adj | | | powerless | tarjozay | adj | | | powers | tarja | n | | | praise | beba | v | praises, praising, admire, admires, admiring, commend, commends, commending, laud, lauds, lauding, extol, extols, extoling | | praise | bebana | n | acclaim, appreciation, devotion, esteem | | praised | bebaka | v | admired, commended, lauded, extoled | | praises | bebana'a | n | acclaims, devotions | | pray | jhazith'dro | v | prays, praying | | prayed | jhazithka'dro | v | | | prayer | jhaza'dro | n | | | prayers | jhaza'a'dro | n | | | predator | taro | n | | | predators | tara | n | | | predatory | tari | adj | | | predecessor | sunokhiit | n | forerunner, foregoer | Lit. "before goer" | predecessors | sunokhiit | n | forerunners, foregoers | | prey | sifa | n | quarry | | price | wara | n | cost, expense, fare, fee, value | Financial value | prices | wara'a | n | costs, expenses, fares, fees, values | | pride | skai | adj/n | prideful, proud, dignity | | pride | skaith | v | prides, priding, dignify, dignifies, dignifying | | prided | skaithka | v | dignified | | priest | siniit | n | cleric, monk, friar | | priestess | ro'siniit | n | nun | | priestesses | ro'siniit | n | nuns | | priestly | siniiti | n | | | priests | siniit | n | clerics, monks, friars | | prince | ja'aran | n | | | princes | ja'arana | n | | | princess | ja'ro'aran | n | | | princesses | ja'ro'arana | n | | | prison | ketepaj | n | jail, dungeon | Lit. "slavery house" | prisons | ketepaja | n | jails, dungeons | | probably | mutemi | adj/adv | likely, probable | | problem | musha | n | trouble, issue, difficulty, dilemma, enigma, conundrum | | problematic | mushi | adj | troublesome, difficult, bothersome, troubling, irksome | | problems | musha'a | n | troubles, issues, difficulties, dilemmas, enigmas, conundrums | | profitable | kabi | adj | lucrative, advantageous, beneficial, productive | | promise | wadith | v | promises, promising, swear, swears, swearing, pledge, pledges, pledging | | promise | wado | n | oath, pledge | | promised | wadithka | v | swore, pledged | | promises | wada | n | oaths, pledges | | prophecies | nabuna'a | n | foretellings, predictions, premonitions, portents, presages | | prophecy | nabuna | n | foretelling, prediction, premonition, portent, presage | | prophesize | nabu | v | prophesizes, prophesizing, foretell, foretells, foretelling, predict, predicts, predicting, portend, portends, protending, presage, presages, presaging | | prophesized | nabuka | v | foretold, predicted, portended, presaged | | prophet | nabiit | n | seer, oracle | | prophets | nabiit | n | seers, oracles | | pull | zan | v | pulls, pulling, drag, drags, dragging, yank, yanks, yanking, haul, hauls, hauling, tow, tows, towing | | pulled | zanka | v | dragged, yanked, hauled, towed | | puppies | ma'riana | n | pups | | puppy | ma'rian | n | pup | | purple | ajwin | adj/n | | | purples | ajwina | n | | | push | zuth | v | pushes, pushing, shove, shoves, shoving, thrust, thrusts, thrusting | | pushed | zuthka | v | shoved, thrusted | | put | nas | v | puts, putting, place, places, placing, deposit, deposits, depositing, set, sets, setting | Present tense | put | naska | v | placed, deposited, set | Past tense | quarter | asan | n | | | quarters | asana | n | | | queen | ro'aran | n | | | queens | ro'arana | n | | | question | ganith | v | questions, questioning | | question | gano | n | inquery | | questioned | ganithka | v | | | questions | gana | n | inqueries | | quiet | fea | adj | | | race | gerjo | n | species | Species | race | zrakesho | n | | Sport | rain | rawl | n | drizzle | The rain | rain | rawlith | v | rains, raining | To rain | rained | rawlithka | v | | | rains | rawla | n | drizzles | | rainy | rawli | adj | drizzley | | ram | bagokeja | n | | Lit. "door break[er]" | rams | bagokeja'a | n | | | ran | hekoka | v | sprinted | | random | trovisozay | adj | arbitrary, unplanned, undirected, indiscriminate, nonspecific, haphazard, erratic | Lit. "orderless" | randomness | trovisozayna | n | | | rare | natari | adj | special, unusual, irregular, atypical, uncommon, unique, extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable | | reach | utan | v | reaches, reaching | To reach | reach | utana | n | | A thing's/person's reach | reached | utanka | v | | | reaches | utana'a | n | | | react | miira | v | reacts, reacting, respond, responds, responding, reply, replies, replying | | reacted | miiraka | v | responded | | reaction | miirana | n | | | reactions | miirana'a | n | | | read | gesh | v | reads, reading | | read | geshka | v | | Past tense | realization | korudna | n | comprehension | | realizations | korudna'a | n | | | realize | korud | v | realizes, realizing, comprehend, comprehends, comprehending | | realized | korudka | v | comprehended | | red | veth | adj/n | | | redguard | vethiit | n | | Lit. "Red-er" | reds | vetha | n | | | regret | fus | n | | A regret | regret | fusith | v | regrets, regretting | To regret | regretful | wofus | adj | | | regretfulness | wofusna | n | | | regretless | fusozay | adj | without regret | Without regret | regrets | fusa | n | | | regrettable | fuski | adj | regrettable | | regretted | fusithka | v | | | relate | korahzith | v | relates, relating, bond, bonds, bonding, connect, connects, connecting, associate, associates, associating | | related | korahzithka | v | connected, associated, bonded | | relationship | korahz | n | connection, bond, association | | relationships | korahza | n | connections, bonds, associations | | religion | sina | n | faith | | religions | sina'a | n | faiths | | religious | sini | adj | | | remember | anpa | v | remembers, remembering, recall, recalls, recalling | | remembered | anpaka | v | recalled | | remembrance | anpana | n | | | remind | anpur | v | reminds, reminding | | reminded | anpurka | v | | | reminder | anpurna | n | memento, souvenir | | reminders | anpurna'a | n | mementos, souvenirs | | removal | pratana | n | withdrawal | | removal | pratana'a | n | withdrawals | | remove | prata | v | removes, removing, withdraw, withdraws, withdrawing | | removed | prataka | v | withdrew | | rest | wano | v | rests, resting, relax, relaxes, relaxing | | rest | wanona | n | relaxation, leisure, respite, repose, relief | | rested | wanoka | v | relaxed | | restful | wani | adj | leisurely | | restless | wanozay | adj | | | restoration | zalrishaj | n | | School of magic | return | derod | v | returns, returning | | returned | derodka | v | | | reveal | furo | v | reveals, revealing, unfold, unfolds, unfolding, expose, exposes, exposing | | revealed | furoka | v | unfolded, exposed | | rhythm | taanga | n | pace, cadence, tempo | | rhythmic | taangi | adj | | | rhythms | taanga'a | n | paces, cadences, tempos | | rice | shiwah | n | | | rices | shiwaha | n | | | rich | jheshik | adj | wealthy | | ride | kame | v | rides, riding | | rider | kamiit | n | | | riders | kamiit | n | | | right | felor | adj/adv/n | | Left/Right | ring | zrasharin | n | | A ring | rings | zrasharina | n | | | risk | khat | n | danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril | | risk | khatith | v | risks, risking | | risked | khatithka | v | | | risks | khata | n | dangers, hazards, jeopardies, perils | | risky | khati | adj | dangerous, hazardous, perilous | | river | esush | n | | | rivers | esusha | n | | | road | wodro | n | street, avenue, boulevard, trail | | roads | wodra | n | streets, avenues, boulevards, trails | | rode | kameka | v | | | roof | thzidi | n | | | roofs | thizda | n | rooves | | room | vos | n | | | rooms | vosa | n | | | root | vasashan | n | tuber | Lit. "under plant" | roots | vasashana | n | tubers | | rot | halku | v | rots, rotting, spoil, spoils, spoiling, mold, molds, molding | | rotted | halkuka | v | spoiled, molded | | rotten | halki | adj | moldy | | royal | arani | adj | | | run | heko | v | runs, running, sprint, sprints, sprinting | | runt | jaibi | n | | | runts | jaiba | n | | | sad | booril | adj | depressed | | saddle | shapa | n | | | saddles | shapa'a | n | | | sadness | boorilna | n | depression, melancholy | | sail | feso | v | sails, sailing | To sail | sail | fesona | n | | A sail | sailed | fesoka | v | | | sailor | fesiit | n | seaman, mariner, boater, seafarer | | sailors | fesiit | n | seamen, mariners, boaters, seafarers | | sails | fesona'a | n | | | salt | zoth | n | | | salty | zothi | adj | | | same | tataami | adv | | | sand | khaj | n | | Homonym of "desert" | sands | khaja | n | | | sandy | khaji | adj | | | sang | rithaka | v | | | sanguine | sangiin | n | | Sangiin is the Khajiiti name for Sanguine | sank | nuqoka | v | seeped, sunk | | sat | shijohka | v | | | saturday | alkoshpal | n | loredas | Abbreviation: "ap" | saw | vakoka | v | perceived | | scary | qoji | adj | frightening, terrifying, unsettling, horrifying, frightening | | school | delapaj | n | university | Lit. "learning house" | schools | delapaja | n | universities | | scratch | toket | v | scratches, scratching, scrape, scrapes, scraping | | scratched | toketka | v | scraped | | scratchy | toketi | adj | itchy | | scream | yabi | v | screams, screaming, wail, wails, wailing, shriek, shrieks, shrieking, screech, screeches, screeching, squeal, squeals, squealing | | scream | yabina | n | wail, shriek, screech, squeal | | screamed | yabika | v | wailed, shrieked, screeched, squealed | | screams | yabina'a | n | wails, shrieks, screeches, squeals | | sea | marr | n | | | search | oku | v | searches, searching, look, looks, looking, seek, seeks, seeking | | searched | okuka | v | looked, sought | | seas | marra | n | | | season | shivatasan | n | | Lit. "year quarter" | seasons | shivatasana | n | | | second | qotu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinal of two, first/second/third | second | tukbi | n | | Time, second/minute/hour | seconds | tukba | n | | | secret | buzurr | n | | | secrets | buzurra | n | | | see | vako | v | sees, seeing, perceive, perceives, perceiving | | seed | sekil | n | | A seed | seed | sekilith | v | seeds, seeding, plant, plants, planting, sow, sows, sowing | To seed | seeded | sekilithka | v | planted, sowed | | seeds | sekila | n | | | seem | shay | v | seems, seeming | | seemed | shayka | v | | | sell | baji | v | sells, selling, peddle, peddles, peddling | | sentence | gelwi | n | phrase, expression | | sentences | gelwa | n | phrases, expressions | | september | pajako | n | Hearth Fire | Abbreviation: "Pa" | sergeant | sargat | n | | Borrowed word | sergeants | sargata | n | | | server | dantajiit | n | | | servers | dantajiit | n | | | seven | ruja | n | | | seventh | rujatu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | seventy | rujade | n | | | sex | zaj | n | intercourse, coitus, lovemaking, procreation, mating, breeding, fornicating, copulating, fornication, copulation | | sexy | zaji | adj | seductive, provocative, sensual, racy | | shadow | kodesh | n | | | shadows | kodesha | n | | | shadowy | kodeshi | adj | | | shake | bana | v | shakes, shaking | | shallow | bure | adj | | | shame | gaj | adj/n | ashamed, disgrace, embarassment | | shame | gajith | v | shames, shaming, disgrace, disgraces, disgracing, embarass, embarasses, embarassing | | shamed | gajithka | v | disgraced, embarassed | | share | daresh | v | shares, sharing | | shared | dareshka | v | | | sharp | krakil | adj | | | sharpness | krakilna | n | | | shawl | wuzi | n | scarf, stole | | shawls | wuza | n | scarves, stoles | | she | roj | pn | | | she's | roba | cont | | | sheep | jekos | n | ewe, ram | | sheep | jekosa | n | ewes, rams | | sheep-shagger | jekosiit | n | | Insult | sheepish | jekosi | adj | | | sheogorath | sheggorath | n | | Sheggorath is the Khajiiti name for Sheogorath | shied | nimadithka | v | | | shield | qedin | n | | | shields | qedina | n | | | shine | zrim | n | gleam, luster, glitz, sheen, shimmer | | shine | zrimith | v | shines, shining, beam, beams, beaming, dazzle, dazzles, dazzling, gleam, gleams, gleaming, glisten, glistens, glistening, glow, glows, glowing, shimmer, shimmers, shimmering | | shiny | zrimi | adj | gleaming, glossy, lustrous | | ship | zreho | n | boat, vessel | | ships | zreha | n | boats, vessels | | shirt | budi | n | tunic, blouse | | shirts | buda | n | tunics, blouses | | shoe | zwejra | n | | | shoes | zwejra'a | n | | | shone | zrimithka | v | beamed, dazzled, gleamed, glistened, glowed, shimmered | | shook | banaka | v | | | shoot | drizo | v | shoots, shooting | | shop | fash | n | store | A shop | shop | fashith | v | shops, shopping | To shop | shops | fasha | n | stores | | short | iso | adj | | Homonym of "on" | shot | drizoka | v | | | should | aso | v | ought | | shoulder | keku | n | | | shoulders | keka | n | | | shrank | kamashka | v | waned, decreased, diminished, reduced | | shrink | kamash | v | shrinks, shrinking, wane, wanes, waning, decrease, decreases, decreasing, diminish, diminishes, diminishing, reduce, reduces, reducing | | shudder | udurr | v | shudders, shuddering, shiver, shivers, shivering, tremble, trembles, trembling | | shuddered | udurrka | v | shivered, trembled | | shy | nimad | adj | timid, bashful, coy, reserved, reticent, demure | | shy | nimadith | v | | | shyness | nimadna | n | timidity, bashfulness, coyness, reservation, reticence, demureness | | sibling | aaliter | n | littermate | | siblings | aalitera | n | littermates | | sick | skrunar | adj | | | side | seve | n | | | sides | seva | n | | | siege | zrashadat | n | | | siege | zrashadith | v | sieges, sieging | | sieged | zrashadithka | v | | | sieges | zrashadata | n | | | sight | vakona | n | vision | | sights | vakona'a | n | visions | | sign | zwintan | v | signs, signing, autograph, autographs, autographing | | silence | sashaana | n | | | silent | sashaa | adj | | | silk | harir | n | | | silks | harira | n | | | silky | hariri | adj | | | silver | sejdah | n | | | silvers | sejdaha | n | | | silvery | sejdahi | adj | | | simple | baso | adj | easy, plain, humble, modest, clear | | simplicity | basona | n | ease, plainness, humility, modesty, clarity | | simplified | basithka | v | clarified, elucidated | | simplify | basith | v | clarify, elucidate | | sin | moraz | n | wrongdoing, crime | A moral wrongdoing as opposed to simple "crime" as would be understood by humans | sin | morazith | v | sins, sinning | | since | eta | pr | | | sing | ritha | v | sings, singing | | sink | nuqo | v | sinks, sinking | | sinned | morazithka | v | | | sinner | moraziit | n | criminal | | sinners | moraziit | n | criminals | | sins | moraza | n | wroingdoings, crimes | | sister | roliter | n | | | sisterly | roliteri | adj | | | sisters | rolitera | n | | | sit | shijoh | v | sits, sitting | | six | sho | n | | | sixth | shotu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | sixty | shode | n | | | skeleton | shupoma | n | | Lit. "body bones" | skeletons | shupoma'a | n | | | skies | ayatha | n | | | skill | khito | n | ability, talent, capability, competence, expertise, proficiency, qualification | | skillful | khiti | adj | talented, capable, competent, expert, proficient, qualified, skilled | | skills | khita | n | abilities, talents, capabilities, competencies, proficiencies, qualifications | | skin | jijri | n | | | skinniness | nafina | n | thinness, scrawniness, emaciation, leanness, slimness, boniness, slenderness | | skinny | nafi | adj | thin, scrawny, emaciated, lean, slim, gaunt, bony, underweight, lanky, slender | | skins | jijra | n | | | skooma | skuma | n | | | skoomas | skuma'a | n | | | sky | ayath | n | | | slave | ketiit | n | | | slavery | kete | n | | | slaves | ketiit | n | | | sleek | kasi | adj | | | sleep | zaigu | v | sleeps, sleeping | To sleep | sleep | zaiguna | n | | | sleepless | zaigozay | adj | | | sleepy | zaigi | adj | | | sleeve | kraqami | n | cuff | | sleeves | kraqama | n | cuffs | | slept | zaiguka | v | | | slow | fumba | adj | | | small | bishu | adj | little | | smart | yasir | adj | intelligent | | smarts | yasirna | n | intelligence | | smell | aki | v | smells, smelling | | smelled | akika | v | | | smelly | aki'i | adj | stinky, pungent | | smile | krimir | v | smiles, smiling | To smile | smiled | krimirka | v | | | smith | drelkiit | n | blacksmith | | smith | drelkith | v | smiths, smithing, forge, forges, forging | | smithed | drelkithka | v | forged | | smiths | drelkiit | n | blacksmiths | | sneak | zalva | v | sneaks, sneaking, stalk, stalks, stalking, skulk, skulks, skulking, creep, creeps, creeping, slink, slinks, slinking | | sneaked | zalvaka | v | snuck, stalked, skulked, crept, creeped, slinked | | sneaker | zalviit | n | stalker, skulker, creeper, slinker | | sneakers | zalviit | n | stalkers, skulkers, creepers, slinkers | | sneaky | zalvi | adj | shifty, sly | | snow | owaz | n | frost | The snow | snow | owazith | v | snows, snowing | To snow | snowed | owazithka | v | | | snows | owaza | n | | | snowy | owazi | adj | | | so | opa | adv/cj | | | soap | epusho | n | | | soaps | epusha | n | | | soapy | epushi | adj | | | soft | linu | adj | | | softness | linuna | n | | | soil | fama | n | | | soils | fama'a | n | | | sold | bajika | v | peddled | | soldier | rakiit | n | fighter, guard, trooper, warrior | | soldiers | rakiit | n | fighters, guards, troopers, warriors | | solution | rathana | n | resolution, solution | | solutions | rathana'a | n | resolutions, solutions | | solve | ratha | v | solves, solving, resolve, resolves, resolving, unravel, unravels, unraveling, settle, settles, settling | | solved | rathaka | v | resolved, unraveled, settled | | some | ega | adv/det/pn | | | someone | egahz | pn | | | something | egasatil | pn | | | sometimes | egakona | adj/adv | sometime, occasionally, periodically, sporadically, spasmodically, intermittently | | son | jor | n | | | song | rithana | n | | | songs | rithana'a | n | | | sons | jora | n | | | sorrow | uradana | n | apology | | sorry | urada | adj | | | sound | sun | n | | | sounds | suna | n | | | soup | shamep | n | | | soups | shamepa | n | | | soupy | shamepi | adj | | | sour | qali | adj | | | south | zede | n | | | space | iken | n | area, zone, gap | A space | space | ikenith | v | spaces, spacing, spread, spreads, spreading | To space | spaced | ikenithka | v | | | spaces | ikena | n | areas, zones, gaps | | spacious | ikeni | adj | roomy | | speak | pur | v | speaks, speaking, say, says, saying, tell, tells, telling, talk, talks, talking, chat, chats, chatting | | speaker | puriit | n | talker, lecturer, orator, chatter | | speakers | puriit | n | talkers, lecturers, orators, chatters | | spear | sutakhrass | n | polearm, halberd, lance | Lit. "longclaw" | spears | sutakhrassa | n | polearms, halberds, lances | | spice | seduv | n | seasoning | A spice | spice | seduvith | v | spices, spicing | To spice | spiced | seduvithka | v | | | spices | seduva | n | seasonings | | spicy | seduvi | adj | | | spill | boha | v | spills, spilling, splash, splashes, splashing | | spilled | bohaka | v | splashed | | spirit | athra | n | ghost, soul | | spirits | athra'a | n | ghosts, souls | | spiritual | athri | adj | ghostly | | spoke | purka | v | said, told, talked, chatted | | spoon | aypo | n | ladle | | spoons | aypa | n | ladles | | sport | kajarr | n | competition | | sports | kajarra | n | competitions | | spouse | aatot | n | mate | | spouses | aatota | n | mates | | spring | projle | n | | The season | square | sanseve | n | | | squares | sanseva | n | | | squeak | kiitsi | v | squeaks, squeaking, squeal, squeals, squealing | | squeaked | kiitsika | v | squealed | | squeaky | kiitsi'i | adj | | | squire | ja'pelin | n | | | squires | ja'pelina | n | | | stain | batodashi | n | dye | A stain | stain | batodashith | v | stains, staining | To stain | stains | batodasha | n | dyes | | stamina | neroth | n | endurance, fortitude, constitution | | stand | shij | v | stands, standing | | star | silla | n | | | starry | silli | adj | | | stars | silla'a | n | | | start | bida | v | starts, starting, begin, begins, beginning, initiate, initiating, initiates, commence, commencing, commences, launch, launching, launches | | start | bidana | n | beginning, initiation, commencement, launch | | started | bidaka | v | started, began, initiated, commenced, launched | | starts | bidana'a | n | beginnings, initiations, commencements, launches | | stay | maal | v | stays, staying, remain, remains, remaining, linger, lingers, lingering | | stayed | maalka | v | remained, lingered | | steal | dar | v | steals, stealing | | steel | ra'hara | n | | | stendarr | s'rendarr | n | | S'rendarr is the Khajiiti name for Stendarr | stick | kenibi | n | branch | | sticks | keniba | n | branches | | still | yesho | adv | | Up to and including the present or the time mentioned; even now (or then) as formerly. Not a synonym for "motionless". | stir | dajo | v | stirs, stirring, stimulate, stimulates, stimulating, rouse, rouses, rousing, agitate, agitates, agitating | | stir | dajona | n | stimulation, arousal, agitation | | stirred | dajoka | v | stimulated, roused, excited, agitated | | stirring | daji | adj | stimulating, rousing, agitating | | stirs | dajona'a | n | stimulations, arousals, agitations | | stole | darka | v | | | stone | kethba | n | rock, boulder | | stone(measure) | ston | n | | Borrowed word from Cyrodiilic | stones | kethba'a | n | rocks, boulders | | stony | kethbi | adj | | | stood | shijka | v | | | stop | dok | v | stops, stopping, halt, halts, halting | | stopped | dokka | v | | | stories | purna'a | n | talks, chats | | storm | torfith | v | storms, storming, rage, raging, rages | | storm | torfo | n | tempest | | stormed | forfithka | v | | | storms | torfa | n | tempests | | stormy | torfi | adj | wild, tempestuous, turbulent | | story | purna | n | talk, chat, tale | | straight | kowi | adj/adv/n | | | strangler | droqoshan | n | | Strangler plant | stranglers | droqoshan | n | | | stream | ja'esush | n | | | streams | ja'esusha | n | | | strength | zegatana | n | | | strengths | zegatana'a | n | | | strike | tak | n | hit, beat, punch | A strike | strike | takith | v | strikes, striking, hit, hits, hitting, beat, beats, beating, punch, punches, punching | To strike | strikes | taka | n | hits, beats, punches | | strong | zegata | adj | | | struck | takithka | v | punched | | student | deliit | n | pupil, apprentice, disciple, novice | | students | deliit | n | pupils, apprentices, disciples, novices | | stupid | wafa | adj | dumb, moronic, idiotic | | stupidity | wafana | n | | | submission | mezaina | n | | | submissive | mezi | adj | | | submit | mezai | v | submits, submitting | | submitted | mezaika | v | | | submitter | meziit | n | | | succeed | yajo | v | succeeds, succeeding, win, wins, winning, triumph, triumphs, triumphing, accomplish, accomplishes, accomplishing | | succeeded | yajoka | v | won, triumphed, accomplished | | success | yajona | n | victory, triumph, accomplishment | | successes | yajona'a | n | victories, triumphs, accomplishments | | successful | yaji | adj | winning, triumphant, victorious | | sugar | var | n | | Homonym of "life" | sugarless | varozay | adj | | | sugars | vara | n | | | suicidal | varlafi | adj | | | suicide | varlafa | n | | Lit. "life waste" | suicides | varlafa'a | n | | | summer | letos | n | | | sun | magrus | n | | | sunday | magrupal | n | sundas | Abbreviation: "mgp" | suspect | zitra | v | suspects, suspecting, suppose, supposes, supposing, surmise, surmises, surmising, question, questions, questioning | | suspected | zitraka | v | supposed, surmised, questioned | | suspicion | zitrana | n | supposition | | suspicions | zitrana'a | n | suppositions | | suspicious | zitri | adj | doubtful, questionable | | swam | baluka | v | swum | | sweat | mehig | n | | | sweep | sipul | v | sweeps, sweeping | | sweet | vari | adj | sugary | | sweeten | koomurr | v | sweetens, sweetening | | sweetened | koomurrka | v | | | swept | sipulka | v | | | swim | balu | v | swims, swimming | | sword | khelij | n | | | swords | khelija | n | | | table | rhalar | n | desk | | tables | rhalara | n | desks | | tail | zeva | n | | | tailor | budiit | n | clothier, outfitter | | tailors | budiit | n | clothiers, outfitters | | tails | zeva'a | n | | | take | traajir | v | takes, taking | | take (by force) | traajijazeri | v | seize, seizes, seizing, wrest, wrests, wresting, wrench, wrenches, wrenching, usurp, usurps, ururping, extort, extorts, extorting | | tall | apolt | adj | | | taste | zashto | v | tastes, tasting | To taste | taste | zashtona | n | | A taste | tasted | zashtoka | v | | | tastes | zashtona'a | n | | | tasty | zashti | adj | | | taught | korna danka | v | | | tavern | so'paj | n | | | taverns | so'paja | n | | | tea | jhakri | n | | | teach | korna dan | v | teaches, teaching | Lit. "knowledge give" | teacher | korniit | n | coach, instructor, educator, professor, tutor | | teachers | korniit | n | coaches, instructors, educators, professors, tutors | | teachings | korna'a | n | lessons, philosophies, insights | | team | petan | n | group, gang | | team | petanith | v | teams, teaming, group, groups, grouping, join, joins, joining | | teamed | petanithka | v | grouped, joined, teamed | | teams | petana | n | groups, gangs | | tear | enartri | n | | From crying | tears | enartra | n | | From crying | teary | enartri'i | adj | | | teas | jhakra | n | | | teeth | kuza | n | fangs | | tell the truth | thzina ualizz | v | | | temperature | repathdri | n | | | temperatures | repathdra | n | | | temple | zalkavi | n | church | | temples | zalkava | n | churches | | ten | de | n | | | tent | kehpo | n | | | tenth | detu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | tents | kehpa | n | | | than | elo | pr | | | thank | tonsh | v | thanks, thanking | | thanked | tonshka | v | | | thanks | tonshe | n | gratitude | | that | jaji | adv/pn | | | that's | jaba | cont | | | the | | art | | Not used | their | jaadi | pn | | | theirs | jaadi | pn | | | them | jaadi | pn | | | themselves | jaadino | pn | | | then | arra | adv | | | there | etofa | adv | | | there's | etoba | cont | | | these | jaja | adv/pn | | | they | jaadi | pn | | | they're | jaara | cont | | | thief | dariit | n | burglar, pickpocket, robber | | thieves | dariit | n | burglars, pickpockets, robbers | | thing | satil | n | item | | things | satila | n | item | | think | krozij | v | thinks, thinking, consider, considers, considering, ponder, ponders, pondering | | third | mitu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | thirst | kerush | n | | | thirsty | kerushi | adj | | | thirty | mide | n | | | this | jajo | adv/pn | | | those | jajia | adv/pn | | | thought | krozijka | v | considered, pondered | | thousand | kele | n | | | thousands | kela | n | | | thread | tem | n | string | | thread | temith | v | threads, threading, string, strings, stringing | | threaded | temithka | v | stringed | | threads | tema | n | strings | | three | mi | n | | | threw | zitoka | v | tossed, hurled, heaved, flung, lobbed, pitched | | through | tohe'i | pr | throughout | | throw | zito | v | throws, throwing, toss, tosses, tossing, hurl, hurls, hurling, heave, heaves, heaving, fling, flings, flinging, lob, lobs, lobbing, pitch, pitches, pitching | | thunder | goorra | n | | | thunderous | goorri | adj | thundery, booming | | thursday | khenapal | n | turdas | Abbreviation: "khp" | tie | reji | v | ties, tying, bind, binds, binding, attach, attaches, attaching, knot, knots, knitting, link, links, linking, secure, secures, securing | | tied | rejika | v | bound, attached, knotted, linked, secured | | tight | tatay | adj | | | time | kono | n | | | times | kona | n | | | tire | zaith | v | tires, tiring | | tired | zai | adj | exhausted, weary, fatigued | | tired | zaithka | v | | | to | +ali | suf | toward, towards | Lative noun case suffix. Append to the noun it is associated with. e.g. "to the store" is "fashali" | today | jajopal | adv/n | | Lit. "this day" | toe | zarpi | n | | | toes | zarpa | n | | | tomorrow | ikopal | adv/n | | Lit. "after day" | tongue | lipith | n | | | tongues | lipitha | n | | | too | bisha | adv | overly, excessively | | took | traajirka | v | | | took (by force) | traajijazerika | v | seized, wrested, wrenched, usurped, extorted | | tool | bakat | n | device, gadget, apparatus | | tools | bakata | n | devices, gadgets | | tooth | kuz | n | fang | | top | ovo | adj/adv/n | peak, tip, pinnacle | | tops | ova | n | peaks, tips, pinnacles | | torch | akenibi | n | | Lit. "fire stick" | torches | akeniba | n | | | touch | zitay | v | touches, touching | | touched | zitayka | v | | | towel | dohi | n | | | towel | dohith | v | towels, toweling | | toweled | dohithka | v | | | towels | doha | n | | | tower | fasiiri | n | obelisk, spire | | towers | fasiira | n | obelisks, spires | | town | kojod | n | | | towns | kojoda | n | | | tradition | jhavanzi | n | | Irregular | traditional | jhavanzi'i | adj | | | traditions | jhavanzi | n | | Irregular | train | ranarr | v | trains, training, drill, drills, drilling, practice, practices, practicing | | trained | ranarrka | v | drilled, practiced | | training | ranarrna | n | drill, practice | | travel | khivalah | v | travels, traveling | Lit. "go far" | traveled | khivalahka | v | | | treat | dazal | v | treats, treating, cure, cures, curing, remedy, remedies, remedying | Lit. "give health" | treated | dazalka | v | cured, remedied | | treatment | dazalna | n | cure, remedy | | treatments | dazalna'a | n | cures, remedies | | tree | ra'shan | n | | | trees | ra'shana | n | | | triangle | miseve | n | | | triangles | miseva | n | | | trouble | mushith | v | troubling, troubles, bother, bothers, irk | | troubled | mushithka | v | bothered, irked | | true | thzi | adj | real, valid, accurate, correct, legit, legitimate, genuine, authentic, factual, right | | trust | dayth | v | trusts, trusting, believe, believes, believing | | trust | daythna | n | belief, faith | | trusted | daythka | v | trusted, believed | | trusts | daythna'a | n | beliefs, faiths | | truth | thzina | n | reality, validity, accuracy, legitimacy, authenticity, fact | | truths | thzina'a | n | realities, validities, accuracies, facts | | tuesday | srenpal | n | tirdas | Abbreviation: "sp" | tune | pashith | v | tunes, tuning, adjust, adjusts, adjusting, attune, attunes, attuning, harmonize, harmonizes, harmonizing | | tune | pasho | n | melody, song, harmony | | tuned | pashithka | v | adjusted, attuned, harmonized | | tunes | pasha | n | melodies, songs, harmonies | | turn | zraga | v | turns, turning | | turn | zragana | n | | A turn | turned | zragaka | v | | To turn | turns | zragana'a | n | | | twelfth | deqotu | adj/adv/n | | Ordinals: number +tu | twenty | qode | n | | | twilight | jasiir | n | dimness, gloom | | two | qo | n | | | ugliness | itrolana | n | | | ugly | itrola | adj | hideous, awful, grisly, grotesque | | uncle | nakom | n | | | uncles | nakoma | n | | | unknown | radoz | adj | | | unlike | ifoh | pr | | | unlucky | k'sharraji | adj | unfortunate, cursed, ill-fated | | unlucky-one | k'sharraj | n | an unfortunate/ill-fated/cursed person | | unskilled | khitozay | adj | untalented, incapable, incompetent, inexperienced, unqualified | | until | adi | pr | | | up | pe | pr | | | urinate | krissith | v | urinates, urinating, pee, pees, peeing, piss, pisses, pissing | | urinated | krissithka | v | peed, pissed | | urine | kriss | n | pee, piss | | us | ahzirr | pn | | | use | hadi | v | uses, using, employ, employs, employing, utilize, utilizes, utilizing, operate, operates, operating | To use | use | hadina | n | application | A use | used | hadika | v | employed, utilized, operated | | useful | hadi'i | adj | suitable, effective, appropriate | | useless | hadozay | adj | futile, fruitless, impractical, ineffective, pointless | | uses | hadina'a | n | applications | | valley | lozwe | n | | | valleys | lozwa | n | | | vault | yotra | n | safe | | vaults | yotra'a | n | safes | | vegetable | quskro | n | | | vegetables | quskra | n | | | very | zira | adv | extremely, exceedingly, exceptionally, intensely, abundantly, decidedly, supremely, highly, really, truly, awfully, quite, such | | via | ihowodro | pr | | | victorious | rakizi | adj | | | victory | rakizna | n | win | | village | shezov | n | hamlet | | villages | shezova | n | hamlets | | voice | ros | n | | | voices | rosa | n | | | vowel | bijgi | n | | | vowels | bijga | n | | | wag | foze | v | wags, wagging | | wagged | fozeka | v | | | wait | thza | v | waits, waiting | | wait | thzana | n | | | waited | thzaka | v | | | wake | zaigoh | v | wakes, waking | | walk | iit | v | walks, walking | | walked | iitka | v | | | wall | hagi | n | | | walls | haga | n | | | wander | zarathosh | v | wanders, wandering, drift, drifts, drifting, waft, wafts, wafting | | wandered | zarathoshka | v | drifted, wafted | | wanderer | zarathiit | n | drifter | | wanderers | zarathiit | n | drifters | | want | boka | v | wants, wanting | | wanted | bokaka | v | | | war | ra'rak | n | | | ware | jhako | n | | | warehouse | jhakapaj | n | storehouse, depot, depository, repository | | warehouses | jhakapaja | n | storehouses, depots, depositories, repositories | | wares | jhaka | n | goods, merchandise | | warlike | ra'raki | adj | | | warm | ja'fith | adj | | | warpair | raqona | n | warteam | | warpairs | raqona'a | n | warteam | | wars | ra'raka | n | | | was | vaber | v | | "I was", Irregular verb | was | vabera | v | | "He/she/it was", Irregular verb | was not | naber | v | wasn't | "I was not", Irregular verb | was not | nabera | v | wasn't | "He/she/it was not", Irregular verb | wash | nojri | v | washes, washing | | washed | nijrika | v | | | waste | lafa | v | wastes, wasting, squander, squanders, squandering | | waste | lafana | n | trash, garbage, refuse, rubbish | | wasted | lafaka | v | squandered | | watch | vakota | v | watches, watching | | watched | vakotaka | v | | | water | da'khe | n | | The water | water | da'khith | v | waters, watering | To water | watered | da'khithka | v | | | waters | da'kha | n | | | watery | da'khi | adj | | | wave | lijpa | n | | | waves | lijpa'a | n | | | way | jhav | n | means, process, procedure, method, course | | ways | jhava | n | processes, procedures, methods, courses | | we | ahzirr | pn | | | we're | ahzirra | cont | | | weak | wapu | adj | | | weakness | wapuna | n | | | weaknesses | wapuna'a | n | | | weapon | epal | n | | | weaponless | epalozay | adj | | | weapons | epala | n | | | wear | zwoka | v | wears, wearing, don, dons, donning | | weather | ayathra | n | | Lit. "sky spirit" | wednesday | azupal | n | middas | Abbreviation: "azp" | weed | bama | n | | | weeds | bama'a | n | | | week | vopom | n | | | weeks | vopoma | n | | | weight | zwarhe | n | | | weightless | zwarhozay | adj | | | weird | o'zin | adj | strange, abnormal, eerie, creepy, peculiar | | welcome | yosan | n | | A welcome | welcome | yosanith | v | welcomes, welcoming | To welcome | welcomed | yosanka | v | | | welcomes | yosana | n | | | welcoming | yosani | adj | | | went | khika | v | proceeded | | were | vabeka | v | | "We/you/y'all/they were", Irregular verb | were not | nabeka | v | | "We/you/y'all/they were not", Irregular verb | west | gatru | n | | | wet | divi | adj | | | wetness | divina | n | | | what | kaaka | adj/adv/n/pn | | | when | q'zi | adv/cj/n/pn | | | where | kalor | adv/cj | | | whether | ikeke | conj | | | whine | saniir | v | whines, whining | | whine | saniirna | n | | | whined | saniirka | v | | | whines | saniirna'a | n | | | whiny | saniiri | adj | | | whisker | zitho | n | | | whiskers | zitha | n | | | whisper | jhapith | v | whispers, whispering, mutter, mutters, muttering, murmur, murmurs, murmuring | | whisper | jhapo | n | mutter, murmur | | whispered | jhapithka | v | muttered, murmured | | whisperer | jhapiit | n | mutterer, murmurer | | whisperers | jhapiit | n | mutterers, murmurers | | whispers | jhapa | n | mutters, murmurs | | white | siirto | adj/n | | | whites | siirta | n | | | who | kaver | pn | | | why | kador | adv/cj/n | | | wide | goru | adj | thick | | width | goruna | n | thickness | | wife | rotot | n | | | wild | rhoj | adj | untamed, savage, primitive | | wild-one | rhojiit | n | | | wild-ones | rhojiit | n | | | will | +se | suf | | Future tense suffix. Append to the verb being expressed in the future tense. "I will go" is "Ahziss khise" | will be | vabase | v | | "He/she/it will be", Irregular verb | will be | varase | v | | "We/you/y'all/they will be", Irregular verb | will be | vase | v | | "I will be", Irregular verb | will not be | nabase | v | won't be | "He/she/it will not be", Irregular verb | will not be | narase | v | won't be | "We/you/y'all/they will not be", Irregular verb | will not be | nase | v | won't be | "I will not be", Irregular verb | win | rakiz | v | wins, winning | | wind | zhan | n | gust, breeze | | window | hi'ijel | n | | | windows | hi'ijela | n | | | winds | zhana | n | gusts, breezes | | windy | zhani | adj | gusty, blustery, breezy | | wine | vato | n | | | wines | vata | n | | | wing | bazaro | n | | | wings | bazara | n | | | winter | zima | n | | | wintery | zimi | adj | | | wisdom | kestuna | n | | | wise | kestu | adj | | | witch | ro'rishajiit | n | enchantress, sorceress | | witches | ro'rishajiit | n | enchantresses, sorceresses | | with | wo | pr | including | | within | kerin | pr | | | without | kerov | pr | | | wives | rotota | n | | | woke | zaigohka | v | | | woman | oriit | n | gal, female | Irregular | womanly | oriiti | adj | feminine | | women | oriit | n | gals, females | Irregular | won | rakizka | v | | | wonder | dosith | v | wonders, wondering, ponder, ponders, pondering | To be curious | wonder | yotali | v | wonders, wondering, marvel, marvels, marveling, astonish, astonishes, astonishing, amaze, amazes, amazing | Not curiosity or pondering | wonder | yotalina | n | wonderment, marvel, astonishment, amazement | | wondered | dosithka | v | pondered | | wondered | yotalika | v | marveled, astonished, amazed | | wonderful | ajo | adj | amazing, awesome, astonishing, excellent, remarkable, superb, outstanding, phenominal, fabulous | | wonders | yotalina'a | n | wonterments, marvels, astonishments, amazements | | wood | drena | n | | | wooden | dreni | adj | | | word | hazur | n | term | | wordless | hazurozay | adj | | | words | hazura | n | terms | | wordy | hazuri | adj | | | wore | zwokaka | v | | | work | zrish | v | works, working | | worked | zrishka | v | | | worker | zrishiit | n | employee, laborers | | workers | zrishiit | n | employees, laborers, staff | | world | nirni | n | | | worlds | nirna | n | | | worried | mokka | v | | | worry | mok | v | worries, worrying | | worse | saa may'a | adj | | Lit. "more bad" | worship | durravar | v | worships, worshipping, idolize, idolizes, idolizing, revere, reveres, revering | | worshipped | durravarka | v | idolized, revered | | worst | jai may'a | adj | | Lit. "most bad" | worth | yasta | n | value, quality, merit | Non-financial value | worthless | yastozay | adj | valueless, meritless | | worths | yasta'a | n | values, qualities, merits | | worthy | yasti | adj | valuable, quality, meritous | | would | ko | v | | Conditional mood | wrap | lofith | v | wraps, wrapping, cover, covers, covering, cloak, cloaks, cloaking, shroud, shrouds, shrouding | | wrap | lofo | n | covering, wrapping, cloak, shroud | | wrapped | lofithka | v | covered, cloaked, shrouded | | wraps | lofa | n | coverings, wrappings, cloaks, shrouds | | write | dur | v | writes, writing | | writer | durrarriit | n | author | | writers | durrarriit | n | authors | | wrote | durka | v | | | y'all | bali | pn | | | y'all's | bali | pn | | | y'allselves | balino | pn | | | year | shivat | n | | | years | shivata | n | | | yellow | zwintho | adj/n | | | yellows | zwintha | n | | | yes | jat | adv/n | | | yesses | jata | n | | | yesterday | sunopal | adv/n | | Lit. "before day" | yet | bade | adv/conj | though, although, still, moreover, nevertheless, however | | yokudan | yokudi | adj | | | you | jer | pn | | | you're | jera | cont | | | young | ja' | adj | | | your | jer | pn | | | yours | jer | pn | | | yourself | jerno | pn | | | zero | zwo | n | | |